Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1906

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INDEX. clv !Auh Lake loo\(m RumJation, Minn., Pap. appropriation for road from Chippewa at Onigum in, to be built 'from tribalfunda__________________ 225 Leech Lake Relflf'tlotitm, Onivum, Minn., appropriation for sanatonum, construc- tion, equipment, etc___________ 1582 Lull Ferry, Arb., appropr18tion for maintenance, etc., of water--gauging station _ _ _ _ _____ 232 LegaC'//Taxell, Revenue ArJ 0/1898, time extended for presenting claims for refunding erroneously collected_ 398 paymE.nt directed of amounts allowed c~t&____________________ 398 LegatiOM, appropriation for clerks at.. __ __ __ __ _ 65,1096 deficien"cy appropriation for clerks at_ _ 48 for interpreterll to_________________ 48 Legion, Te:c., sale directed of Veterans' Bureau hos- pital reservation at____________ 716 Legislative Branch of the Government, approp!iation for Benate _________ 517,1387 for House of Representatives____ 520,1390 "during the session" to mean 121 dars------------------------- 523 "dunng the session" to mean 212 days~_______________________ 1393 for Capitol Police ______________ 325,1394 for Joint Committee on Printing_ 525, 1394 for office of Legislative {;ounseL_ 525, 1395 for Statement of App'ropriations_ 525, 1395 for Architect of the CapitoL __ __ 525, 1395 for Capitol Buildings and Grounds_ _ 525, 1395 for reconstructing, etc., Senate wing_ 526 for improving ventilation of both HOUBes______________________ 526 for Senate Office Building_______ 526, 1396 for House Office Building _______ 526,1396 for Capitol power pl&nt _________ 526,1396 for Library building and grounds_ 527,1396 for Botanic Garden ____________ 527,1397 for Library of'COn~--------- 528,1398 for Government Pnnting Office_ _ 530, 1398 for public printing and binding_ _ 530, 1399 holidays and leaves of absence_ 530, 1399 authority rcquired for work for COngress __________________ 530, 1400 for office of Superintendent of Doeu- ment& ____________________ 631,1401 purchases without reference to SUfPly COmmittee_________ 532,1402 use 0 funds for care, etc., of private vehicles prohibited _________ 532,1402 restriction on exceeding average 8alaries in designated oftices ________ 532,1402 if onlv one position in a grade ___ 532, 1402 advances allowed in unusually meri- toriOUlCase& ______________ 632,1402 restriction not applicable to clerical- mechanicalservice _______•__ 632,1402 no reduction in fixed 8alaries_ _ __ 532, 1402 transfer to another position without reduction _________________ 532,1402 higher salary rates allowed ______ 532,1402 Joint Congressional Committee created to investigate and report 011 adjustment on numher and pay of employees of Congress, ana of Architect of the CapitoL __ .. _ _ _ 1402 Legislative Counsel, salaries of, est&blished_______________ 279 Legislative Coun.el, OJfice 0/, appropriation for s&lariee and exp6D.8CI_ salaries of office of, for December, to be paid December 20, 1927 ______ _ P..,. 625, 1395 1 for December, to be paid Deoember 20, 1928_____________________ 1027 Legislative Referenete, Library 01 Congre8s, appropriation for preparing materials for COngreu, etc___________ 528,1398 Lenoir, N. C., deficiency appropriation for public buildingat___________________ 1658 Leominster, Mas•. , deficiency appropriation for public building aL_________________ _ 33 granted easement over public buildinS site, to widen street___________ 1017 Lepers, etc., appropriation for care, etc., IslandB of Guam and Culion, P. L ____ 625, 1453 Letter Carriers, Fo,tal S8f'tlice, a.ppropriatlon for city delivery_____ 189, 1052 for rural delivery ______________ 192,1055 deficiency appropriation for city de- livery _______________________ 2~45 vehicles may be hired from, for city delivery and collection service_ _ 1252 Letterman General HOllpital, Cali/-, const111ction of buildings authorized at. _______________________ 748, 1303 Leup'O Indian Hospital, Ariz., appropriation for support, etc., of_____ 1581 Leupp, Paul, may bridge Missouri River, at Stanton, N. Dak______________________ '76 time extended for bridging Miaaourl River, at Stanton, N. Dak,;r !Jy- 1475 Levees (8ee MissiBBippi River and Trlbu- taries, Flood Control). lAver Act of 1917, 40 defioiency appropriation for judgment, Ohio Southern District court unde!i against War Department_ Levis Strm NIS., D. C., appropriation for pavingl.etc., Trinidad Avenue to Orren I!Street________ 1271 Lewis, B. A., etc., may bridge Puget Sound, Wash., at the . Narrows_____________________ 1403 Lewis, Blmer A., appropriation for, superintendent of House document room______ 522,1392 Lewisburg, Tenn., appropriation for maintenance, etc., dair;V and livestock experiment statIOn at_____________________ 1199 dairy and livestock experiment station for the South to be established at_. __________ ~______________ 981 sum authorized for establishing; yearly appropriation8 hereafter _ 981 landB to be furnished by the State, etc__________________________ 981 Lewistown, Mom., deficiency appropriation for site and public building at_____________ 921 Lewistoum, Po., deficiency appropriation for public build- ing at_______________________ 33 Le:cima, Regina, sum authorized to pay to, wounded by Marine Corps enlisted man in HaitL______________________ 1477