Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1910

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r- A,., _ NaUonal Form, Cflli,/., .,p .... p!lbUo laads fD;. withdraW'A from:lDiniac entries, for refo1't!ttationol water- shede of ~ .Anpb'JB CoIb1~__ 966 ~~-riah"",~iiOrdeoi..t::, :: di.leretic)oary NaloratioD to miDfng _ _ tJf withdrawa landll.. ____ 968 1M I __ B~C~" . may t;.~ ____~..':~~..TarmstroBot (talk) 1183 COUIIDt 01 MeDIa required________ 1183 1M Indw., Ta:., • ,., bridp a~1'UIeQ IICl'OII 1183 eouaent of Mexico requil'8CL~.;_____ 1183 La. Olmo. IJ&UmatiofIal Bridga COfIIpoilU. may brttfge Bio Grande. .t Wellaoo, TIlX-___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ·____ 776 coDent of MeDea required________ 776 Lo.. bpBIIldta",e, .,' . ' '·appropriation for fcneign missioos___ 66, 1097 for ooaeulates.. ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ _ 67,1098 f~, by A.rmy ofBcenI abroad, and in Alaak&.. ___ ___ ___ ___ __ . _____ 329, 1363 Louiliana, ,. ' appropriationfor~rovidin'rJ&htof way thro~Chalmette National Ceme for levee work by____ 354 for aid, ete, , for Jou or dNDT to roade and. bridpa, by e floods of 1927 __________ ~_ .. __ _ 1382 bridge authorised 8CJ'OIS Bayou Baro- ~mew at Point; Ple8aUt, by State Highway CommissioD of.. 57 Louiliana 8tat. U"iHrrilll, etc., paten~ iaeoed' in ,trust; to, of former Baton" .~ . barraokl, apo- pnwed aDd confirmed. _ ~ _-' __ __ 595 right to aell, etc., ~_______ 695 . parceleueptedj ~ Beiat JOIeI>h's ~uroh ______________ ~~______ 595 land uaed by ~ company _ __ 595 when occupation·oI railroad ceases, land to revert to U~veraity, etc_ 595 Lo:~=r':li;h for aoq~1df.,:te: ·and ~IPUblicb ,, ' at; ea.te of preeenhtructufe_ _______ 179, 1043 Red River,. COushatta, by at.te Highway CollllDiaaion of______ _ bridse authorbeciaeroaa Ohio Biver, by,. 146 loan of ..\$1' coti, etc., authorized for· l'Jatioiial conventiOD of Ameri- 56 caD'l4lt)naC_'____________ -- 1142 LoI1d Poi"" "".,. .. Sabine River between Vernon Pamh, f;;·t:!TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:20, 25 September 2010 (UTC)::TarmstroBot (talk) 1083 may acquire, after eompletiOD,: br!dP ' &Cl'CI88 Lake SaOine,' at l'Ort Arthur, Tez________ ~_______ 610 Mississippi River, at Baton Rouge, 1&.. _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ .; _ _ 131 ma~db~ver,al01:20, 25 September 2010 (UTC);er;-at 1497 M~1De______________________ 379 at Morgana.y_________________ 279' Red River, at Moncla.._ __ __ __ ___ __ _ 293 Sabine River at Pendleton's Ferry __ 611 at Merry;m;:__________________ 387 at Starks_________ .. __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 767 sale authorized of deaisnated accreted publio landa in, not lawfully ap- propriated under land laW8.. __ __ 422 preference right of. ownel'!l to pur- chase. etc___________ ~________ 423 time eztended for bridging Black River, at Joueav1De, bY _____________ 57 Ouachita River, at Harrisonburg, by _ 279 at Monroe, by __________________ 57 Red River, at Coushatta, by__ _____ 1167 time eztended for olltion of, to pur- 'cbaleJackeon IkuTacka________ 397 Louiriana Gnd Te:z:G8! may bridge Sabme River, at Burr .. Lou~-WBG~ze:.jlip----- n _n __n - - 976 silver ~ce used on: maY' be delivered to Loulaiana. State Museum____ 1073 ·Louiliana Big/nlJa1l Q)mmillilm, sale of portion of Pointe Aux Herbes IlahthoU8e Reaervatlon to_____ 977 oonsfderation__ _________________ 977 bridge authfu.i ._ r ,am. ~Creek, at______ ~ _________________ -_ 727 LotDelZ qr~" AZG,k<I, . '. . appropr!&uon for 1'8gu1atlon, etc.~ of; . .1OeaJ contributIon reqUired_____ 358

LoweU~ 11"".,.

,., appropriation for public bullding___ ·,179, 1043 defi~1' &pproP~~n' for public blllldbig__________ ~ ___ __ _'___ __ 1659

~ reaervedJ;. ~~wra of aite_ 1659

Lo_ BiUle A,ineY, os. DGk.; appro~~ for, ~pport, .~.. of IDdIaDa at ________________ 223, 1584 Lower = Tribe. 01 IndiGm, Or.,.z suit UDiteci States for unceaed lands to be broUlht in Court of Lo_ y~l;ri;;iiiimp;~id:t:M~.: 1256 N. DGk. t appropriation lor completing drainap 8y~_____________________ 1591 Lubbock, Ta:., ' appropriation for public bullding_____ 1043 deficie~tJcib~ld~:~o~ _f~~_~~n~~ teriDa of court at__________________ _ l'OOID8 to be furnished ____________ _ ofBce of clerk____________________ _ LMtaa Cou"'",OIlio 921 747 747 747 bridp authori;d across Maumee River in.___________ ~______________ 15sn Lumber BilleT, 8. C., examjnation, for 1100d con- trol of_______________________ 1164 Lumberfoft, Mw., deficie~K~cib!':Hd1::-o~- _f~~_~~__~~ 921