Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1985

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coxxxiv INDEX. RailtDGJI Mail 8erviu POIIiJl Serna, PaP. appropriation for division superintend- ents assistants, clerks, etc __ 190, 1052 for trav;! allowances for clerks_ __ 190, 1053 for traveling expenses, etc., away from headquarters _________ 190, 1053 for miscellaneous expenses_ _ _ _ __ 190, 1053 arms for mail protection ______ 190,1053 rent, etc., for tenninal offices __ 190,1053 equipment, etc.! for terminaL_ 190,1053 deficiency appropnation for travel allowances of elerka___ 26,50,910, 1620 for misce1laneouaexpenses_ ____ _____ 50 for 8IIlariee _____________________ 00,1650 for additional salaries, 1929 _______ .. 1650 clerks and substitute clerk may be aaaigned as temporary substi- tute Ilea post clerks_________ .: _ _ 1175 BainJllAU Referma! deficieney appropnation for examina- tion and report on____________ 1651 Rainy RiDer, deficieney appropriation for purchase of flowage easements for pro- tectin8 banks, etc., of. _ _ _ _____ 930 Raker, Johft R./oTfMf' Member of CongreA, prominent mountain in Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif., to be named in honor of deceased____ R71 IlGleigh, N. C., terms of court, at___________________ 495 Randolph and Laturma COUnAe8, Ark., may bridge Spring River, at Black ILock________________________ 1093 at Imboden______________________ 1093 Randolph FWd, Sa:n Antonio, Tex., construction authorized of buildings at_ 1303 RaJ:[p~.Air COrps________________ 1304 bridge authorized acroaa Missouri River, at_____________________ 729 time extended for bridging Missouri River, at_____________________ 1431 Randolph Stru4 NR., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Twelfth to Thirteenth Streets; from gas- oline tax fund_ _______________ 1271 Randolph S'rea NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Thir- teenth Street to Kansas Avenue; from gasoline tax fund________ 652 Range Condititm8, National Forests, appropriation for experiments, etc., in improving ________________ 55~ 1205 Rankin County, Miss., bridge authorized acroaa Pearl River, in Madison COuntyand__________ 421 Rapid City Indian Sanatorium School, S. Dak., appropr'.ation for support, etc., of_____ 1582 Rapid City, S. Dak., appropriation for Indian school at_____ 219 Raritan ArHnal, N. J ., construction authorized of buildings at_ 1302 Rathbone, Henry R., late a Representative in Congre88, deficiency appropriation for pay to widow 01.____________________ 1607 Ravtn8wood, W. Va., bridge authorized acroaa Ohio River, at___________________________ 317 Raw Materials and Manufactures, appropriation for securing information as to disposition, handling, etc., of_________________________ 87, 1118 Read, Commander Albert Cmhi1l{l, Navy, tendered thanks of Congress for com- ~t:~:fu!~-t01:33, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)t~~ _TarmstroBot (talk) advanccd in numbers on list of com- xnanders ____________________ _ gold medal awarded, for achievement in first successful trans-Atlantic Palre. 790 790 flight________________________ 1185 Real Estate, D. C., in condemuation proceedings, notice of benefits assessed on property not taken, to be mailed by Commis- sioners, if owner not notified by thejury_____________________ 953 advertisement by the court______ :-_ _ 954 Real Properly, Army, sale of tracts, etc., no longer needed___ 773 survey of parcel on request of adverse possessor thereof, on receiving notice of Government claim_ ___ 773 title by quitclaim deed upon pay- ment of 10 per cent of appraised value________________________ 773 claimant estopped if making no application, etc_______________ 773 options to citizens who have occupied for over 15 years under leases from War Department, to buy at appraised value_______________ 774 expenses limited____________________ 774 Reclamation Act, appropriation for investigations for utilizing western lands reclaimed under, etc________________ 551,1202 irrigable lands withdrawn from publie entry, under Boulder Canyon Project Act, opened to entry under________________________ 1063 lands of homestead entrymen under, subject to State, etc., taxation__ 439 of desert-land entrymen receiving water from an irrigation project under, subject to State, etc., tax_ 439 enforcement of aaseased taxes by lien, etc__________________________ 439 title conveyed by tax sale, etc.~ subject to prior lien for unpaia irrigation charges_ _ ___________ 439 rights of holders of tax titles______ 439 Reclamation Bureau, Interior Department, appropriation for Commissioner, ana . office personnel________ . _ __ 227,1589 for attendin~ meetings of technical, etc., soCIeties ______________ 227, 1589 for all expenditures, from recla- mation fund; objects specified ____________ _____________ 227,1589 chief engineer's office _________ 227,1589 photographic service _________ 227,1589 telegraph, etc., services _______ 227,1589 field legal offices expenses _____ 227,1589 printing, binding, etc_________ 227,1589 transporting effects of employees _________________________ 22~ 1589 damages to property_________ 227,1589 limit on outside headquarters__ 227, 1589 medical service for employees__ 227, 1589 restriction on use for irrigation dis- tricts in arrears for charges__ 228, 1589 for examination and inspection of projects; balance available__ 228, 1590