Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1999

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ccxlviii INDEX. &afttG Fe County, N. Me., Pap. land in, reserved for San Ildefonso Pueblo Indians_______________ 1161 SafttG Fe Indian Boardifl{l School, N. Me., appropriation for support, etc., of hos- piuu________________________ 1582 Santa Fe, N. Me., appropriation for extending, etc., pub- lic building___________________ 181 for Indian school aL ___________ 218,1579 deficiency appropriation for dormitory Indian school at______________ 17 for Indian school at_______________ 1640 unexpended balance oC appropriation for assembly hall, Indian .School at, covered in________________ 1576 Santa Fe Natioflol Forw, N. Me., exchanKes authorized of lands in Spanish or Mexican grants, for additions to__________________ 431 Santa Mcmica, Calif., appropriation for Volunteer Soldiers' Home, maintenance, etc ____ 361,1384 mess hall, construction, equipment, etc__________________________ 361 deficiency approj)riation for Volunteer SOldiers' Home ____ 39,930, 1667, 1668 for construction, etc., of new barrack buildings, etc ________________ .. 1614 contracts authorized_____________ 1614 amount authorized for barrack build- in/PI, etc., at_________________ 447 constructIOn of general mess building, etc., authorized at____________ 61 Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties, Fla., may bridge Santa Rosa Sound_______ 752 Santa Rosa I aland, Fla., Army real estate atl acquired by Florida, may be usea for recreational pur- poses, etc____________________ 974 Santa Rosa Sound, Fla., bridlte authorized across_ __ ___ ____ ___ 752 Santa 1J'eTesa, N. Me., deficiency appropriation for expenses detemuning 1!ro~rty damages from ftood of Rio Grande at____ 19 for paymeL~ to owners of lands near, forftood damages_____________ 903 Santee Siouz Indiana (see Sioux Indians, Different Tribes). Santo Domifl{lo Indiana, N. Me., appropriation for settling land and water right 1088e8 of___________ 1569 Saratoga, Wyo., appropriation for fish hatchery at_____ 99 Sarnia, Canada, bridge authorized across Saint Clair River, from Port Huron, Mich., to _______________________ 454,1483 Savanna, IU., time extended for bridging Mississippi River, at Sabula, Iowa, and_ 297, 1158 Savannah, Ga., appropriation for public building______ 1044 deficiency appropriation for post office, part ofeu:;bTarmstroBot (talk)iat;co-;l:veyedtO 923 tEe city in exchange___________ 1533 Savannah Ril18T, bridge authorized across, at Burton's Ferry, Ga____________________ 751 Sailings Banks, Mutual, exempt from income tax_____________ 812 Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho, p .... lands added to _____________________ • 415 Sayre, Pa., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 33 Scabies in Sheep and Cattle, appropriation for eradicating, etc_ _ 545, 1196 deficiency ~ppropriation for reimburs- ing Hopi and Navajo Indians, eradicating, etc_______________ 1638 Scales, Customs, appropriation for automatic weighing, etc_______________________ 167,1033 Scales, Railroad Track, eU., approJ)riation for testing, etc _______ 93, 1123 Schee, Frank, etc., . may bridge Des Moines River, at Cro- ton, Iowa____________________ 706 time extended for bridging Des Moines River, by________________ . __ _ _ 1535 Schneider Bakifl{l Company, Charles deficiency ..~propriation for refurld to _ Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, 8 deficiency appropriation for construc- tion, etc ______________ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ 926 for acqUIsition of Kalena tract in_ __ 927 amount authorized for constructing bachelor officers' quarters at___ _ constructing, etc.. nurses' quarters at_ for purchase of Kalena tract in____ _ construction of buildings authorized at_ Schools, D. C . (see Public Schools, D. C.). Schools, etc., . 130 372 591 748, 1301 appropriation for Army Bupplies, etc., to military, other than with units of Reserve Officers', Training COrps ____________________ 350,1372 Scientific Literature, InteTnational Cata- logue of, appropriation for expenses, preparation of________________________ 584,1241 Scott Field, IU., Armv Air Corps, deficiency appropnation for site_______ 49 amount authonzed for constructing hydrogen gas holder a.t__ _____ __ 130 construction of Army buildings author- ized at____________ ___________ 748 Scott, Winfield, etc., . may bridge Des Moines River, at Cro- ton, Iowa____________________ 706 time extended for bridging Th;)s Moines FUver, by____________________ 1535 Scottsbluff, Nebr., appropriation for public building___ 181,1044 limit of cost increased for building at__ 1662 court accommodations may be added later________________________ 1662 ScoUsboro, Ala., bridge authorized across Tennessee FUver,at___________________ 287,754 Scrantcm, Pa., appropriation for public building con- struction _________________ 181,1044 minerals reserved_______________ 181 Screw Threads, eU., appropriation for cooperative stAnd- ardization, etc., 01. _________ 92,1123 Sea Post Service on Ocean Steamships, appropriation for allowance for cost 01. 190, 1053 railway postal clerks and substitutes, may be assigned as temporary substitute sea. post clerks______ 1175