Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2012

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INDEX. cclxi Shi.pping Boo.rd, UniWlStatu-Con. Pap. appropriation for investigating trans- porting immigrants in Shipping Board vessels _____________ 585, 1243 estimates to include Fleet Corpora- tion employees assigned to the board ____________________ 585, 1243 printing and binding for ______ 585, 1243 receipts, other than l:l8les of ships and other rroperty ------------ 1244 from sales 0 ships, etc., limit for liquidation expenses, etc ____ 586,1244 no payment therefrom of claims for requisitioning of vessels________ 1244 interest earned on funds, except construction loan fund- __ _ _ _ 586, 1244 unexpended balance of special cl&ims appropriation continued available until June 30, 1929___ 586 balance of ~cial claims appropria- tion contmued available___ .. _ __ 1244 for operating ships taken back from purchasers' reappropriation; ap- proval of President required_ 586, 1244 employment of attorneys subject to approval of Attorney General_ 58?l 1244 pay restriction ______________ 586,1244 rent restriction in the District_ 586, 1245 amount authorized for paying at- torneys______________________ 1245 for reconditioning steamships" Mount Vernon" and "Monticello"____ 586 selling price limited_ _ _ __________ 586 deficiency appropriation for judgments, United States courts under_____ 40 for judgments in Federal courts against, under specialacts__ . _ __ 40 for salaries and expenses_ ____ _ _ __ _ 41, 932 for judgments, Court of Claims under________ ____ __________ ___ 932 Merchant Marine Construction Fund, additional loans authorized_____ 889 restriction on sales of vessels__________ 690 remodeling and improving of United States vessels by__ ______ _____ _ 690 replacements by new vessels to be recommended by, to Congress__ 690 construction loan fund to be set aside__ 690 sources and uses oL_______________ 690 increase of, by $250,000,000, author- ued_________________________ 692 Shipping Commissioner8, aPEropriation for salaries__________ 90,1121 or clerk hire ___________________ 90, 1121 for contingent expenses __________ 90, 1121 Shipping Service, Department of Commerce, deficiency appropriation for contingent expenses_____________________ 1636 Ship8, American (8ee Vessels, American). Shipwrecked A merican Seamen, etc., appropriation for relief, etc., of, in Alaska,etc _________________ 68,1098 for life saving testimonials in rescu- ing, etc___________________ 69,1100 Shipwrecked Persons, appropriation for furnishing temporary relief to, by Coast Survey___ 97, 1127 Shivwits Indian Reservation, Utah, appropriation for irrigation project on _______________________ 209, 1572 Shooting GaUeries and Ranges, Army, appropriation for expenses_ _ _ _ ___ _ 335, 1358 deficiency appropriation for expenses__ 1619 Shoshone Agency, Wyo., Paae. appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at_____________ 223,1571,1584 for support, etc.,of Indiana at; amount for hydro-electric plant, etc., im- mediatelyavailable_____________ 223 Sho8hone and Arapahoe Indians, W 110., per capita paymentto, from truBtfunds. 467 Shoshone and Paiute Indians'~:1 lands at Summit Lake, 1'Iev., Bet aside for_____________________ 160 Sho8hone Indian Reseruation, Wyo., deficiency appropriation for allotments to unallotted Indians on ____ 899,1641 allotments to unallotted living children on___________________________ .617 issue of trust patents for____________ 617 mineral deposits reserved to In- dians; leases authorized________ 617 sum authorized for surveys, etc_____ 617 time extended for completing mining entries on ceded lands of_______ 371 continuance of claima______________ 372 not applicable to coal, oil, and gas lands______ __________________ 372 restriction as to placer locations____ _ 372 Shoshone Indians, Northwestern Bands of, all claims of, against United States, under treaties, not heretofore ad- judicated, referred to Court of Claims _______________ - - - - - -- 1407 sho8e:1:Ji~!~CWy~.:--------------- 1407 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with _____________________ 222,1583 Shoshone·Irrigation Project, Wyo., appropriation for continuing drainage of divisions _______________ 230, 1592 balance for operating 'Frannie and Willwood divisions____________ 230 use of power revenues for commer- cialsystem________________ 230,1592 deficiency appropriation for continuing drainage system, Deaver irriga- tion district__________________ 1643 Shreveport, La., construction for Army Air Corps at, authorized___________________ 1304 acceptance of gift of site for aviation field_________________________ 1304 Shrubs, appropriation for study of diseases of ornamental _______________ 550,1200 Sia Indian Pueblo, N. Mex., deficiency appropriation for bridge across JeIj:lez River, at__________ 902 Siam, appropriation for minister to_______ 65, 1096 admission permitted of two subjects of, into Military Academy, for in- struction; conditions, etc_______ 737 Siege Cannon, Army, appropriation for purchase, manu- facture, etc__________________ _ for ammunition for________________ _ for ammunition, etc., for practice__ _ Sierra National Forest, Calif., deficiency appropriation for recon- 343 343 343 structing Wawona Road in_____ 904 Signal Corps, Army (see also Signal ServiCe, Army), appropriation for fortification). etc., sea- coast defenses, United .:states_ 336, 1359 insular possessions _ _ _ __ _ _____ 336, 1359 Panama. CanaL _____________ 336, 1360