Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2035

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cclxxxiv INDEX. UnitedStateaSupremeCour~Building Com- p . . .. misBion-Gontinued. created; composition _______________ . : 1066 Architect of the Capitol to serve as executive offieer __ _ _ ___ _______ 1067 to procure preliminary plans, etc., for buildin~ for exclusive use of United /States Supreme Court on acquired site_________________ 1067 limit of expense; report to Congress by March 1, 1929_______________ _ sum authorized for expenses_________ _ tim~ for submitting report extended __ Congressional member, not reelected to nst Congress, to continlie serv- 1067 1067 1261 iee__________________________ 1698 appointment of sueeeBSOr in event of death or resignation___________ 1698 Universal P08tal Congres8, London, appropriation for expenses of delegates to _________________________ _ Unknown Soldier', To1'lb, Arlington Na- tional Cemetery, 191 appropriation for paying for design, plans, etc., oL_______________ 1378 contracts for construction, etc., authorized___________________ 1378 approaches and surroundings to be constructed__________________ 1378 deficiency appropriation for securing competitive designs for com- Upper Ji01:41, 25 September 2010 (UTC)pyi"Riv~-wiI;iYAJ;-a~ Fish Refuge, 37 appropriation for construction, equip- ment,ete____________________ 100 for acquiring land, etc., expenses, etc.,oL __________________ 559,1210 for maintenaneeJ,.etc______ _________ 1130 gift of lands in \Jlayton County for, accepted____________________ _ to become apartofrefuge _________ _ purchase price for land, etc., inereased_ Upshur Street NE., D. C., appropriation for paving} etc., Twelfth Street to Sargent Road; from 420 420 502 653 gasoline tax fund ________ - - __ -- for paving, etc., Tenth to Twelfth Streets; from gasoline tax fund_ _ 1271 for paving, etc., Sargent Road to Michigan Avenue; from gasoline tax fund_____________________ 1271 Upton Street NW., D. C ., appropriation for paving,_ etc., Thirty- eighth Street to Wisconsin Ave- nue; from gasoline tax fund_ _ __ 1269 Urbana, Ohio, deficiency appropriation for public building at__ __ _____ _____ _____ 1662 Urn, Monumental, gift of, from Cuba, accepted for erection in Washington! D. Coo. ___ _ ._ _ _ 713 sum authorized lor erectlOn and dedication_ _ _ _ _______________ 713 Uruguay, appropriation for minister to _______ 65, 1096 Utah, establishment of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in_______________ 448 exchange of lands in, for Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge________ 1186 grant of additional lands to, for miners' hospiuu_____________________ 1252 lands for probable reclamation or national park projects not in- cluded_______________________ 1252 Utah-Continued. permits for mining nonmetallic minerals extended twelve months to with- Pap. drawn lands in_______________ 1406 provisions of Boulder Canyon Project Act applicable to, under Colo- rado River compact _______ 1057-1066 water power permits on Colorado River and tributaries not to be issued until March 5, 1930, unless Boulder Canyon Project Act effective prior thereto_ _ _ ______ 1446 Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, exchange of public with State lands, for experiments in sheep growing_ _ 1188 Utah National Park, name changed to Bryce Canyon National Park _______________ _ 147 Ute Agenc!I, Colo., Consolidated, appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at________________ 222, 1583 Ute Indian Reservation, Colo., Con80li- dated, appropriation for water supply, un- allotted landsoL _ _ _ _ _________ 209 Ute Indians, Confederated Bands of, appropriation for aid to public schools in Uintah and Duchesne Coun- ties, Utah, from funds of _ _ 220, 1581 for support, etc________________ 222,1583 for payment, from principal funds cf, to Ute Mountain in Colorado, from fnnds ________________ 224,1586 tl'intah, etc., Bands in Utah ___ 224, 1586 Southern Utes in Colorado ____ 224,1586 for self support, from accrued interest_ 224, 1586 restriction on road construction_ 224, 1586 for Uncompahre, etc., Utah, irrigating allottedlands.. __ ______ __ ___ ___ 1575 deficiency appropriation for water sys- tem and employees' cottages __ _ 900 value of lands added to Montezuma Forest, Colo., placed to credit of. 711 Ute Indians, Southern, appropriation for purchase of sheep for_ 209 Ute Mountain Agency, Colo., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at______ 222, 1~71, 1583, 1586 Utica, N. Y., deficiency appropriation for public Uvalda B~~::~~:~:-- --- -- -- - -- - - -- -- may bridge Altamaha River, at Towns . Ferry, Ga__ _____ ___ ____ _____ _ 960 33 v. V Place SE., D. C., appropriation for grading, Thirty-first to Thirty-second Streets_______ 655 V Stree~ NE., D. C., appropriatlOn for paving, etc., Second to Fourth Streets; from gasoline tax fund___ ______ ______ ______ 654 V Street SE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Four- teenth to Sixteenth Streets; from gasoline tax fund_ _ _ _ _________ 1272 VllCation Schools and Playgrounds, D. C., appropriation for expenses, etc____._ ~60, 1277 Vaile, WiUiam N., late a Representatwe \n Congress, deficiencr appropriation for pay to 3 Widow oC _____________ -- - -- --