Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2044

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... INDEX. CCXClll Waukegan, IU., Page. appropriation for public building ___ 181,1044 deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 1662 Wayne, General Anthony, deficiency appropriation for erection of historical museum as a memorial to, Fort Defiance, Ohio________ 1666 cooperation with Ohio for a historical museum as a memorial to, on site of Fort Defiance, Ohio_____ 1009 Wayne&burg, Pa., deficiency appropriation for public building at____ __ __ __ __ __ _____ 33 Ways and Means Committee, House oj Representatives, deficiency appropriation for expenses, revising customslaws__________ 3 members of, elected to 71st Congress, authorized to hold hearings, etc., in preparation for a revision of the Tariff Act of 1922_________ 1607 to employ expert, etc., services_____ 1607 printing and binding, and other nec- essaryexpensesauthorized_____ 1607 expenses, except printing ~d binding i r:ldTarmstroBot (talk) _TarmstroBot (talk) 01:43, 25 September 2010 (UTC) _TarmstroBot (talk) _ _01:43, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)_ 1607 Weather Bureau, Department oj Agricul- ture/ appropriatIOn for salaries and ex- penses ____________________ 543,1194 furnishing forecasts for air naviga- tion______________________ 544,1194 telegraph, etc., rates and contracts, to be adjusted_____________ 544, 1194 cooperation with other Bureaus, etc_______________________ 544,1194 for Chief of Bureau and office Par- sonnel ____________________ 544,1194 for expenses in Washington_ _ _ _ _ 544, 1194 for printing office expenses ______ 544,1195 restriction on printing by Bureau; exception _________________ 544, 1195 for expenses outside of Washing- ton_______________________ 544,1195 for observations, warnings, etc ___ 544, 1195 for aerological stations; atmospheric investigations, etc _ _ _ _ _ ____ 544, 1195 deficiency appropriation for general ex- penses___________ 12,41,4~933, 1616 for expenses, outside of Washington_ 894 for building, etc., San Juan, P. R ., station_ _ _ ___________________ 1633 for study of atmospheric phenomena_ 1633 for salaries, 1929__________________ 1677 care, etc., of Mount Weather, Va., sta- tion transferred to Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of National Capital; sale of, repealed__________________ 1625 payments for. expert services for Bu- reau building at Lansing, Mich., allowed______________________ 11 station at Mount Weather, Va., to be sold_________________________ 311 proceeds to be deposited as miscel- lan .ts 311 Weatherwal,:;~Wl;:~l, --------------- name placed on yellow-fever honor roll . and presented gold medaL_____ 1409 WIdow of, to receive $125 monthly____ 1410 Wegener, E. H., may bridge Mississippi River, at Ches- ter, Ill______________________ 283 Wegener, E. H . -Continued. Page. time extended for bridging Mississippi River, at Chester, Ill., by_____ 1529 Weight8 and Measures, International Bu- reau oj, appropriation for contribution_ ____ _ 69, 1100 deficiency appropriation for annual con- tribution to__________________ 1612 Weight8 and Measures, International Com- .mittee oj, appropriation for attendance of mem- ber _______________________ 90,1121 Weight&, Measures, and Market&, D. C ., Superintendent oj, appropriation for office personneL _ 646, 1264 for inspection expenses _________ 6 -7,1264 for maintenance, etc., of markets_ _ _ 647 Western, repairs, equipment, etc __ 647 for motor trucks, etc ___________ 647,1264 Wellsburg, W. Va., bridge authorized across Ohio River, at_ 503 time extended for bridging Ohio River, at__________________________ 1530 Weslaco, Tex. bridge authorized across Rio Grande, at_________________________ 471,776 consent of Mexico required_______ 471,776 We8t, Clyde L., appropriation for monthly payments to________________________ 353, 1374 name placed on yellow-fever honor roll and presented gold medaL_____ 1409 to receive $125 monthly_____________ 1410 West Indian Ialanda Acquired Jrom Den- mark (8ee Virgin Islands). West Indies, appropriation for Weather Service ex- penses in _________________ 543; 1194 We8t Point (see Military Academy). WeBt Swanton, Vt., bridge authorized across Lake Cham- plain, East Alburg to_______ 514,1506 West Virginia, construction of bridge across Potomac River, at Paw Paw, by Mary- land and, legalized_____________ 1077 may acquire, after completion, bridge across Kanawha River, at Cabin Creek_ _ _______ ___ ___ ________ 475 at Dunbar_____________________ 982 at Point Pleasant_______________ 408 at Saint Albans_________________ 473 New River, at McCreery__________ 767 Ohio Ri'1l!J at Moundsville________ 1440 at New \,,"Umberland_____________ 741 at New Martinsville, W. Va__ .. 298,1473 at RavenswoodJ..,Ohio___________ 318 at Sisttirsville, w. Va____________ 135 at Wellsburg, W. Va____________ 503 WeBt Warwick, R.I ., deficiency appropriation for public building at______________ • __ .__ 1663 Western Irrigation AgricuUure, appropriation for investigation of utiliz- ing of lands reclaimed under Reclamation Act, etc_______ 551,1202 Western Na~ajo lndian Boarding School, Artz., appropriation for construction, etc__ 220, 1578 Western Navajo Indian H08pital, Ariz., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of_ 220, 1581