Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/242

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 126. 1928 .

1.91 not to exceed $3,60 0 for the sa lary o f the A ssista nt Sup erinte ndent, teAssi tant New lope in- Division of Foreign Mails, with headquarter s at New York City Provided further, That not exceeding $10,000 of this sum may be Delega tes to Unive r- sal Po stal C ongres s at available for the expenses of delegates to the Universal Postal Con- London. gress at London (such delegates to . be designated from the Post Office Department by the Postmaster General ) to be expended in the discretion of the Postmaster General and accounted for on his certifi cate, which certif icate shall be conc lusive on th e acco unting offices of the United States . For balances due foreign countries, $2,200,000 .

Balances due foreign countries . For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office Travel, e tc ° of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $1,200 . For the inland transportation of mail by aircraft, under contract, i Aircraft contract sev . and for the incidental expenses thereof including not to exceed $30,000 for assistant superintendents and clerks at air mail transfer Vol. 43, p. 805; Vol. points, in accordance with the Act approved February 2, 1925, and 44, pp . 632, lass" amended June 3, 1926, $6,430,000 : Provided, That $19,100 of this Services in the Dis- appropriation shall be available for the payment for personal services tric t, etc ° in the District of Columbia, incidental and travel expenses . Orr1CE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL For manufacture of adhesive postage stamps, special-delivery stamps, books of stamps, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, postal cards, and for coiling of stamps, $7,950,000 . Fo r pay of age nt and assis tants to exa mine an d dist ribute stamp ed envelopes and newspaper wrappers, and expenses of agency, $23,650 . For payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of pieces of dome stic r egiste red ma tter, insure d and c ollect -on-de livery mail, and for f ailure to remit co llect-on- delivery charges, $2,600,00 0 . For payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of inter- national mail in accordance with convention, treaty, or agreement stipulations, $50,000 . For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the Third Assist ant Po stmast er Gen eral, $ 1,000 . OFF ICE OF THE FOURTH ASSISTANT P OST MAS TER GEN ERA L For stationery for the Postal Service, including the money-order and registry systems ; and also for the purchase of supplies for the Postal Savings System, including rubber stamps, canceling devices, certificates, envelopes and stamps for use in evidencing deposits, and free penalty envelopes ; and for the reimbursement of the Secretary of the Treasu ry for expen ses in cident to the prepa ration , issu e, and registration of the bonds authorized by the Act of June 25, 1910, $775,00 0 . For miscellaneous equipment and supplies, including the purchase and repair of furniture, package boxes, posts, trucks, baskets, satchels, strap s, le tter- box paint , bal ing machi nes, perfo rati ng ma chine s, duplicating machines, printing presses, directories, cleaning supplies, and the manufacture, repair, and exchange of equipment, the erec- tion and painting of letter-box equipment, and for the purchase and repair of presses and dies for use in the manufacture of letter boxes ; for postmarking, rating, money-order stamps, and electrotype plates and repairs to same ; metal, rubber, and combination type, dates and figures , type holde rs, in k pads for c ancelin g and stampi ng pur poses, and for the purchase, exchange, and repair of typewriting machines, envelope-opening machines, and computing machines, copying presses, numbering machines, time recorders, letter balances, scales, test weights, and miscellaneous articles purchased and furnished Third Assistant Post- master General. Stamps, stamped en- velopes, postal cards, etc . Distribution agency . Indemnities for lost mail . Domestic registered matter, etc. International . Travel, etc . Fourth Assi stant Postmaster General . Stationery . Postal Savings Sys- tem supplies . Bond expenses . Vol. 36, p. 817. Miscellaneous equip- ment a nd sup plies . Letter boxes, etc . Postmarking stamps, etc .