Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/286

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 137. 1928 . passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work $88,000 ; for construction of physical improvements $53,000, including not exceeding $33,000 for the construction of buildings, of which not ex ceeding $18,000 shall be availab le for a n admini stration buildin g, $1 0,000 fo r two co mfort st ations, $2,000 f or a mes s house and cook 's quarters, and $3,000 for the completion of a community building ; in all, $141,000 . That section 3 of the Act of August 25, ..1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes, page 535), entitled "An Act to establish a Nation al Pa rk Se rvice, and for ot her p urpos es," be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding the following thereto : " And pro vided further, That the Secre tary of th e Inte rior may grant said privi- leges, leases, and permits and enter into contracts relating to the sa me with responsi ble pers ons, fir ms, or c orporati ons with out adve r- tising and without securing competitive bids

And provided fur- ther, That no contrac t, lease , permit , or pri vilege g ranted s hall be assigned or transferred by such grantees, permittees, or licensees, wi thout th e approv al of th e Secret ary of t he Inter ior firs t obtain ed in writing : And provided further, Th at the Secretary may , in his dis cretion, authori ze such grantees , permittees, or licensees to ex ecute mortgages and issue bonds, shares of stock, and other evidences of interest in or indebtedness upon their rights, properties, and fran- chises, for the purposes of installing, enlarging, or improving plant and equipment and extending facilities for the accommodation of the public within such national parks and monuments ." Pla tt N atio nal Park , Oklahoma : For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement, $18,000 . Rocky M ountain Na tional Par k, Colorad o : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,800 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $80,500 ; for c onst ruct ion of p hysi cal impr ovem ents , $1 5,00 0, i nclu ding not e xceedi ng $7 ,000 for the construction of buildings, of which not exceeding $3,000 shall be available for quarters for employees and $2,000 for a stable ; in all, $95,500. Sequoia National Park, California : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,200 for the purchase, m aint enan ce, oper atio n, and repair of mot or-d rive n pa ssen ger- ca rrying v ehicles for the use of t he super intenden t and em ployees in connection with general park work, and including not to exceed $10,000 for fire prevention, $96,000 ; for construction of physical i mpro veme nts, $17 ,000 , in clud ing not exce edin g $8 ,900 for the construction of buildings, of which not exceeding $4,000 shall be available for a machine shop, $2,200 for an employee's cottage, and $200 for completion of a ranger cabin to cost not more than $1,700 ; in all, $113,000. Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota : For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement, $11,000 . Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $7,500 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of horse-drawn and motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superin- tendent and employees in connection with general park work, not exceeding $8,400 for maintenance of the road in the forest reserve l eadi ng out of the pa rk f rom the east bou ndar y, not e xcee ding $7,500 for maintenance of the road in the forest reserve leading out of the park from the south boundary, and including feed for buffalo and other animals and s alari es of buffa lo ke epers , $400 ,000 ; for c onst ruct ion of p hysi cal impr ovem ents , $3 4,00 0, i nclu ding not 54835'-29--PT 1

19 235 Park regulations . Vol . 39, p . 536, amend- ed . Provisos. Licenses for accom- modations for visitors, wi thou t advertising, etc . Transfers to be ap- proved by Secretary . Grantees, etc ., may issue bonds, etc. Platt, Okla. Rocky Mountain, Colo. Sequoia, Calif. Wind Cave, S . Dak. Yellowstone, Wyo.