Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/288

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. Ca. 137 . 1928 .

237 Car olina and Ten nessee, and f or other purpo ses," approve d May 22, 1926, and the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment Vol. 44, pp . 616, 635. of the Mammoth Cave National Park in the State of Kentucky, and for other purposes," approved May 25, 1926, including personal serv- ices in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, traveling expenses of me mbers and emp loyees of the commission, p rinting and b inding, and other necessary incidental expenses, $4, 500, together wit h the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the R eappr opri ation . fiscal year 1928, which is hereby reappropriated . For reconstruction, replacement, and repair of roads, trails, Repairing damag es bridges, buildings, and other physical improvements in national parks' by un avoidable ca uses . or national monuments that are damaged or destroyed by flood, fire, sto rm, or other unavoid able c auses d uring t he fis cal yea r 1929, and for fighting forest fires in national parks or other areas administered by Fighting forest fires. the National Park Service, or fires that endanger such areas, and for replacing buildings or other physical improvements that have been destroyed by forest fires within such areas, the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $40,000 for these purposes for the fiscal year 1928 is reappropriated and made available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1929, together with not to exceed $60,000 to be trans- Di vers ions au tho r- ferred upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior from the ized . various appropriations for national parks and national monuments herein contained, any such diversions of appropriations to be reported to Congress in the annual Budget : Provided, That these funds shall Prosisos . not be used for any precautionary fire protection or patrol work prior Limit on use . to actual occurrence of the fire : Provided further, That the allotment incu Allot ent o

for rred obligations . of these funds to the various national parks or areas administered by the National Park Service as may be required for fire-fighting pur- poses shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior, and then only after the obligation for the expenditure has been incurred . For purchase of privately owned lands within the boundaries of Purchases of pr i- any national park or national monument, $50,000, to be expended vatel y owned land s . only wh en matched by equal amounts by donation from other so urces for the same purpose, to be available until expended . The total of the foregoing amounts shall be immediately available A mou nts immed i- in one fund for the National Park Service : Provided, That the P at oaso sabl e. Secretary of the Interior shall not authorize for expenditure prior to Time limit. July 1, 1928, any of the amounts herein appropriated except those for construction of physical improvements : And provided further, That Interchangeable ap- in the settlement of the accounts of the National Park Service the propnations . amount herein made available for each national park and other main headings shall not be exceeded, except that 10 per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available interchangeably for expendi- tures in the various national parks named, and in the national monu- ments, but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said parks or monuments or for any particular item within a park or monument : Provided, That any Report to Congress . interchange of appropriations hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Construction, and so forth, of roads and trails : For the construe- Roads and trails. constr uction, etc ., tion, reconstruction, and improvement of roads and trails, inclusive of, in parks and monu- of necessary bridges, in the national parks and monuments under the mints . jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, including the roads from Glacier Park Station through the Blackfeet Indian Reservation to various points in the boundary line of the Glacier National Park and the international boundary, and the Grand Canyon Highway from the National Old Trails Highway to the south boundary of the Gra nd Can yon Na tional Park , as a uthori zed b y the Act ap proved June 5, 1924 (Forty-third Statutes, page 423), to be immediately Vol.43,p.423. available and remain available until expended, $2,500,000, whic h