Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/607

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556 Forest planting stock . Coopera tion with Sta tes, in proc urin g for - est-tree seeds, etc ., for planti ng denude d or nonforested lands . For cooperation with the various States in the procurement, pro- duction, and distribution of forest-tree seeds and plants in estab- lishing windbreaks, shelter belts, and farm wood lots upon denuded or nonforested lands within such cooperating States, under the pro- visions of section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the prot ection of for est lan ds, for the r eforest ation o f denu ded are as, for the extension of national forests, and for other purposes, in order to promote the continuous production of timber on lands chie fly suitable therefor," approved dune 7, 1924, $75,000, of which amount trict .

n ot t o ex ce ed $2,860 may be expende d for persona l services in the District of Columbia . Vol . 43, p. 654. Services in the Dis- Additi onal fore st lands . Acquiring , under Forest Conservation For the acquisition of additional lands at headwaters of navigable Act

streams, to be expended under the provisions of the Act of March 1, 43, p.654. p . 961; Vol. 1911 (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, page 961), as amended, Services, etc ., in the $1,000,00 0, to be immed iately availa ble, of which amount not to District .

exceed $31,000 may be expen ded for perso nal services and supplies and equipment in the District of Columbia . Total, Forest Service, $11,145,105 . Chemistry and Soils Bureau . General expenses.

SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES Inves tiga tions , app a- ratus, supplies, em- ployees, etc . Chief of Bureau, and office personnel . For all necessary expenses connected with the investigations and experiments hereinafter authorized, including the employment of investigators, local and special agents, assistants, experts, clerks, draftsmen, and labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere ; offi- cial traveling expenses, materials, tools, instruments, a pparatus, repairs to apparatus, chemicals, furniture, office fixtures, stationery, gas, electric current, telegraph and telephone service, express and freight charges, rent outside the District of Columbia, and for all other necessary supplies and expenses, as follows : For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services General subjectss

in the District of Columbia, 54,280. Vol. lz, p. 387. For conducting the investigations contemplated by the Act of Biological food and May 15, 1862, relating to the application of chemistry to agricul- drug investigations, etc. ture ; for the biological investigation of food and drug products and substances used in the manufacture thereof, including investi- gations of the physiological effects of such products on the human organism ; to cooperate with associations and scientific soci eti es in the development of methods of analysis, $259,000. For investigation and experiment in the utilization, for coloring, medicinal, and technical purposes, of raw materials grown or pro- duced in the United States, in cooperation with such persons, associa- tions, or corporations as may be found necessary, including repairs, alte rati ons, imp rove ment s or add itio ns t o a buil ding on the Arli ng- ton Ex perime ntal F arm, 72,921 . For the investigation and development of methods for the manu- facture of table sirup and sugar and of methods for the manufacture of swe et sir ups by the utiliz ation of new agricultural sources, $35,234. Utilizing native raw materials for colorants, etc . Arli ngton l arm building. Table sirup, etc. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. Cii. 572. 1928 . to exceed $3,000 for the purchase of supplies and equipment required for the purposes of said Act in the District of Columbia . COOPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION OF FOREST PLANTING STOCK ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONAL FOREST LANDS BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY AND SOILS