Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/644

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CHs . 600-602 . 1928 .

593 at such a height that they shall not be less than fifteen feet lower than the forward lights . In addition the four anchor lights above specified, at least one white deck light shall be displayed in every interval of one hundred feet along the deck measuring from the forward lights, said deck lights to be not less than two feet above the de ck and arran ged, s o far as int ervenin g stru ctures will permit , so as to be visible from any angle of approach ." Approved, May 17, 1928 . May 17, 1928 . CHAP . 601 .-An Act To amend the Act of February 8, 1895, entitled "An [H . R . 13032 .] Act to regulate navigation on the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary (Public, No . 408.] wate rs ." Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That Rule 7 of the Great Lakes, etc . Act of Congress approved February 8, 1895, entitled "An Act to Lights required . regulate navigation on the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters," be amended so as to read as follows " Rui.E 7 . The lights for tugs under one hundred tons register Tugs, etc . at ons, etc . (net), whose principal business is harbor towing, and for boats Vol- 28,p.646,amend- naviga ting o nly on the R iver S aint L awrence , also ferry boats, rafts , ed . and canal boats, shall be regulated by rules which have been or may hereafter be prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels ." SEC . 2. All laws, or parts of laws, inconsistent herewith are hereby Inco nsist ant laws re- repeal ed .

pea led . SEC . 3 . This Act shall take effect on and after its approval .

Effective on approval. Approved, May 17, 1928 . May 17, 1928 . CHAP. 602 .-An Act To authorize the appropriation for use by the Secretary [H. R .7459.] of Agricult ure of certa in funds for wool standar ds, and for other purpos es .

[Public, No . 409.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the wool clip of 1 918 . United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby Use a utho rize d for authorized to be appropriated for expenditure by the Secretary of expenditure of funds 3'

from, not distributed Agriculture, for the purposes hereinafter stated, all funds heretofore to growers . Ante, p. 563. or her eafter colle cted b y suit , or o therwis e, pur suant to app ropria - Post, pp . 895,1214. tions for the completion of the work of the domestic wool section of the War Industries Board, and for enforcing Government regulations for handling the wool clip of 1918 as established by the wool division of said board, pursuant to the Executive order dated December 31, 1918, transferring such work to the Bureau of Markets, now a part of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of the Department of Agri- culture, and for continuing as far as practicable the distribution among the growers of the wool clip of 1918 of all sums heretofore or hereafter collected or recovered with or without suit by the Government from all persons, firms, or corporations which handled any part of the wool clip of 1918, which he finds it impracticable to distribute among said growers, provided that not to exceed $50,000 Limit atio n . may be expended in any fiscal year . SEC . 2. Said funds may be used for the purpose of acquiring and Acquiring and aof . Y

fusing information of diffusing among the people of the United States useful information standardizatio n, etc., of relative to the standardization, grading, preparation for market, wool . marketing, utilization, transportation, handling, and distribution of Post, p. 1214. wool, and of approved methods and practices relative thereto, includ- taPromding use of es ing the demonstration and promotion of the use of grades for wool in accordance with standards therefor which the Secretary of Agri-