Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/688

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. Cu. 656 . 1928 . 637 may be transferred in advance to the Bureau of Mines ; f or c on ti nu - C1 No- types of air- ing experiments and development work on all types of aircraft, including the payment of part time or intermittent employment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere of such scientists and technicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discre- tion, at a rate of pay not exceeding $20 per diem for any person so employed, $2,000,000 ; for drafting, clerical, inspection, and messenger service, $731,000 ; for new construction and procurement of aircraft Now construction, and equipment, $16,500,000, including not to exceed $635,000 for the etc' Naval Reserve, of which amount not to exceed $9,480,000 shall be Incurred obligations . available for the payment of obligations incurred under the contract authorization for these purposes carried in the Navy Appropriation Vol. 44, p.1291. Act for the fiscal year 1928, approved March 2, 1927 ; toward the Rigid airships . construction of the rigid airships authorized in Public Act Num- Vol.44,p.765. bered 422, Sixty-ninth Congress, approved June 24, 1926 (total limit of cost $8,000,000), ir respe ctiv e of the dat e fi xed in s aid Act for the beginning of the construction of one of such airships, $1, 800,000, Vol. 44, p . 1291. and the sum of $200,000 of the appropriation, "Aviation, Navy, 19 28," tow ard the cons truc tion of one of s uch airs hips is here by made available until June 30, 1929, toward the construction of two Provisos . such rigid airships : Prov ided, That the contract for such rigid Contract reserva- airshipsshall(a)reservetotheGovernmenttherightofcancella-Sonsn tion of the construction of the second airship if changed circum- stances, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Navy, shall suggest that course as being in the best interests of the Government, such right of cancellation to continue until the first airship shall have been tested in flight and accepted, and (b) provide that in the event of such cancellation, the total cost of the first airship, and all pay- ments under, and expenses incident to the cancellation of, the con- tract for the second airship, shall not exceed $5,500,000 ; in all, $ 31 ,9 56, 00 0 ; and the money herein specifically appropriated for Accounting . "A viat ion " shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance Contracts authorized with existing law and shall constitute one fund : Provided, That in for new airplanes, etc . addition to the amount herein appropriated and specified for expen- diture for new construction and procurement of aircraft and equip- ment, the Secretary of the Navy may, prior to July 1, 1930, enter into contracts for the production and purchase of new airplanes and their equi in t, spare parts and accessories, to an amount not in excess of 10,000,000 : Provided further, That no part of this appro- ii Sho a stations priation shall be expended for maintenance of more than six heavier- than-air stations on the coasts of the continental United States Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used Airplane factory con- str uctf on f orbi dden . for the construction of a factory for the manufacture of airplanes : Determination of Provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby author- damages claims . ized to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, and pay out of this appropriation the amounts due on claims for damages which have occurred or may occur to private property growing out of the opera- tions of naval aircraft, where such claim does not exceed the sum of $250 : Provided further, That all claims adjusted under this Report to Congress . authority during the fiscal year shall be reported in detail to the Congress by the Secretary of the Navy . NAVAL ACADEMY Naval Academy . Pay, Naval Academy : Pay for professors and others, Naval Acad- etcay of professors, emy : Pay of professors and instructors, including one professor Proviso as librarian, $259,000 : Provided, That not more than $36,500 shall Payrestriction . be paid for masters and instructors in swordsmanship and physical training ;