Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/777

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SE VENT IETH CONGR ESS . SEss. I. CHs. 725, 726 . 1928. IN THE HousE OF REPRESENTATIVES, UNITED STATES May 22, 1928 Passage by the House of Representatives .

The House having proceeded, in pursuance of the Constitution, to reconsider the bill (H. R. 5681) entitl ed "A n Act to pr ovide a differential in pay for night work in the Postal Service," returned to the House by the President of the United States, with his objec- tions t hereto, with the message of the Presiden t return ing the bill ; and Resolved, That the bill do pass, two-thirds of the House of Repre- sentatives agreeing to pass the same . Attest AVM . TYLER PAGE Clerk . IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 3 (calendar day, May 04), 1928 Passage by the Sen . ate .

The Senate having proceeded, in pursuance of the Constitution, to recon sider the bill (H . R. 5681) entitled "An Act to provide a differential in pay for night work in the Postal Service," returned by the Pres ident of the United States to the House of Repre senta - tives, in which it originated, with his objections, and passed by the House of Represe ntatives on a rec onsidera tion of the same , it was Resolved, That the bill pass, two-thirds of the Senators present having voted in the affirmative . Attest EDWIN P. THAYER Secretary. May 24,1928 . [S .1284 .) CHAP. 726 .-An Act Amending the Act approved April 30, 1926, entitled [Public, No . 497 .1 "An Act amending the Act entitled `An Act providing for a comprehensive development of the park and playground system of the National Capital,' ap- proved June 6, 1924 ." Be it enacted by the Se nate and H ouse o f Representatives o f the District of Columbia . United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at the proviso NationalCapital Park and Pla nni ng in section 1 (a) in the Act approved April 30, 1926, entitled "An CVo ol .44,p 375 , ame nd- Act amen ding the Act ent itle d `An Act pr ovid ing for a co mpre - e Matter stricken out. hensive development of the park and playground system of the National Capital,' approved June 6, 1924" (Statutes at Large, vol- ume 44, page 374), is h ereby amended by striking out the words " subsistence not in excess of $10 per day and of travel when attend- ing meetings of said commission or engaged in investigations per- taining to its a ctivities," and inserting in lieu thereof the fol lowing : "tr av el wh en attending meetings of sai d com mi ssi on or engaged in investigations pertaining to its activities and an allowance of $8 per day in lieu of subs istence during s uch trav el and s ervices, " and Te Now rms' oft appointive is hereby reenacted so as to read as follows

" Provided,

That the members . first members appointed under this Act shall continue in office for terms of three, four, five, and six years, respectively, from the date of the passage of this Act, the terms of each to be designated by the President ; but their successors shall be appointed for terms of six years, except that any person chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the, unexpired term of the member whom he