Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/969

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. Cg. 853 . 1928 . the fourth and fifth floors of such building and not exceeding $20,000 for fly scre ens, repa irs to pl astering, interior and exte rior pain ting, in the old portion of the building, and waterproofing basement walls . Projects under sec- tion 3, Public Buildings PUBLI C BUILDI NG PROJEC TS UNDER SECTION 3, PUBLI C BUILD INGS ACT Act . Vol . 44, pp. 632, 867.

AP PROVE D MAY 25, 1926, AS AMENDED Missou la, Mon t .

Missoula, Montana, post office, courthouse, and other Government offices : For completion, $175,000 . Seattle, Wash .

Seattle, Washington, Federal office building : For acquisition of Site and building in



g' lieu o f form er aut hor- site and commencement of construction of a suitable building for az Vol . 44, pp. 832, 873. customs, appraisers' warehouse, and other governmental offices, $500 ,000, at an estima ted to tal li mit of cost o f $2,1 75,000 which is here by aut horize d to b e char ged ag ainst t he all ocatio n made pursu ant to directions contained in the Deficiency Appropriation Act approved July 3, 1926 from the $15,000,000 authorization contained in section 3 of the Pu1ilic Buildings Act approved May 25, 1926, as recommended, in part, by the Secretary of the Treasury and Post- master General in a special report dated February 25, 1927 (House Document 766, Sixty-ninth Congress, second session), in lieu of the construction of a post-office building on site heretofore acquired for that purpose ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for such project in an amount not to exceed $2,175,000 . St . Louis, Mo.

St . Louis Missouri, courthouse, customhouse, and so forth : Toward Site and building in



f lieu of former author- the acquisition of a site and construction of a building in lieu of ization. Vol. 44, pp. 632, 871. carrying out the authorization in the Act of July 3, 1926, $600,000, in addi tion to the une xpen ded bala nce of any mone y he ret ofor e appropriated for that purpose, which is hereby made available, under an estimated total cost of $3,825,000 ; and the Secretary of Proviso.

the Treasury is authorized to enter into a contract or contracts Charge of excess cost

y of site,

for the entire foregoing estimated cost of such project : Provided, Vol . 44, p. 633. That any cost in excess of $1,600,000 shall be charged against the $100 ,000, 000 a uthor ized in s ectio n 5 of th e Pub lic Build ings Act approved May 25, 1926, as amended . Total appropriations for projects under section 3, Act of May 25, Projects under sec- 1926, as amended, $1,275,000 . tion 5, Public Build- ings Act.


APPROVED MAY 25, 1926 Contracts for sites, The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to enter into contracts buildings, etc . for site s or addi tional la nd for pu blic bui ldings, p urchase o f sites a nd buildings thereon, commencement, completion, extension, remodeling, and rehabilitation of public buildings in amounts not exceeding the respective estimated total costs herein set forth, as follows Albuquerque, N. Mex. Albuquerque, New Mexico, post office, courthouse, and so forth For the acquisition of additional land, commencement of extension and remodeling, and construction of an annex for the accommoda- tion of the post office, c ourts, an d other Governmen t offices , $200,00 0 under an estimate d total c ost of $9 00,000, or, at th e discret ion of th e Secretary of the Treasury, the acquisition of a new site and com- mencement of constru ction, under an estim ated total cost of Alburg, Vt .

$1,025,000 . Alburg, Vermont, inspection station : For acquisition of a site and comme nceme nt of con struc tion of a buil ding for t he a ccomm odati on of border inspection services, $2,000, under an estimated total cost of $56,000. Anderson, Ind .

Anderson, Indiana, post office, and so forth : For the commence- ment of extension and remodeling for the accommodation of the