Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/10

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x LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Myra Madf'JI. An Act For the rellef of Myra Mad~'Y. D~8Il1ber 7 J 1£28. ______________ _ Jama M. Lo,., . Au Act For the relief of James M. Long. Decemoer 8,1928----------- Glma Fslla, N. Y., I N1#"~ Compo",. An Act For the relief of the Glena Falla Insuranoe Compan). of Glens Falla, New York. Deceruber8,1928------------------------ HorM IMVra1lC8 Company "1 N ItO York. An Act }I'or the relief of the Home Insurance Com- pan.J".& of New York, New Yor!t. December 8, 1928 _______________ . ;. . ____ ____ ___ _ Standard ou Complla71 oJ N e1D J "'ev. An Aet Authorizinl the Court of Clainla to hear and determine questione of law involved in the alleged erroneous collection of tonnage taxes in 1920 and 1921 on three v686el8 operated by the Standard Oil Company of New Jeney, undet ba.'6ooat charter from a Danli, corporation. December 11, 1928_ Franl: J. BoudiftO'. An Act Authorizini an expenditure of certain funde standing to the credit of the Cherokee Nation in the TreaSury of the United States to be paid to one of the attorneys for the Cherokee Nation, and for other purposes. December 11, 1928 ___________________________ . ________________ • _______________________ _ HorCICIJ G. KnotDZ.. An Act For the re.lief of Horace G. Knowles. December 1~ 1928 ___ _ StattJ Bani: and Truat Company. An Act For the relief of the State Bank and uuat Com- . JlADY, of Fayetteville, Tennea&ee. December 13, HJ28 __________________________ _ Ruuell White Btar. An Act For the relief of Russell White Bear. December 15, 1928___ _ Leah FraM. Joint Resoilltion For the relief of Leah Frank, Creek Indian, new born, roll numbered 294. December 15, 1928 __________________________________________ _ Eloiae C1&ilden. ,Joint Resolution For the relief of Eloise Childers, Creek Indian. minor, roll numbered 354. December 15, 1928______________________________________ _ Il§a CO'UI6. Joint Resolution For the relief of Effa Cowe, Creek !ndian, new born, roll numbered 78. Decem!::-er 15, 1928 ___________________________________________ _ Jama Hu.nta AlonQ. An Act Fe.. tao relief of James Hunts Along. December 17, 1928___ _ Oroille Wright aniI Wilbur Wrig"'- An Aot To authoriae the Piesident to present the di.J - tinguished dying crUlS to Orville Wright, and to Wilbur Wright, deceased. December Orla J.~~:;.~ActFo;:the ~~li;;or6ri&-w ~iiObTarmstroBot (talk)- ..DeCemb;;22: -i92S:::::: Ferdij~~O~'h:= Jj=-~"t~;o'29-~~c:.~~-~-~:~-~-22:25, 6 January 2012 (UTC)~~-TarmstroBot (talk) 22:25, 6 January 2012 (UTC),-~ Alfred st. Denny. An Act For the relief of Alfred St. Dennis. January 11, UI20 _______ _ WiUiam }Ant, . An. Act For the:relief of William Lentz. January 11, 1929 ____________ _ Clar61lC8 B. Burl. An Act To authorue the a~pointment of First Lieutenant Clarence E. Burt, retired, to the grade of captain, retired, in the United States Army. Januuary 12, 1929______ -------------- --------------------- ----- ------ - - ------------.. Orea W. Rynear,on. An Act AuthoriRDg the Preaident to order Oren W. Rynearson before a. retiring board for a. h= of his ease and upon the findinga of luch board determine whetbet' or Dot he be p aD the retired list with the rank and pay held by him at the timeDf hie resignation. January 16, 1929_________________________________ _ John ~~:.r.-izzt.~~.TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)_r:_c~_22:25, 6 January 2012 (UTC)~_~~e_TarmstroBot (talk) 22:25, 6 January 2012 (UTC)_~~ Clm-ence P. Smith. An Act For the relief of Clarence P. 8Jnjth. January 19, 1929 _______ _ Edna B. Sft4blll~ An Act For the relief .of Edn~ E. Snably. January 19, 1929__________ _ Waller D. LoHll. An Act For the relief of Walter D. LoveD.. January 19, 192~---------­ Alws, Okla. An..AoiI To provide for the acquisition by Meyer Shield Post Numbered 92, Amerlcau. LePon. Alva, OJdahoma; of lot 19, bloek 41, the .originlll town site of L. P~)S.~oma . . d~~939AiA~iF;ithereu~~,_L:Pi~k;rli&h·Q,~~y capCai~Ij=tp~d:.:wur;lc\TUthorwng-ihe-~-;ith;-N~;y~~-.wa;(l. Nicaragua.n camp&ign badgu to CaDtain James P. Williame, in recognition of his eerv- ieee to the Unit«l State. In the Nicaraguan campaign of 1912 and 1913. January 24, 1929_________ - _.. __ - _______________________________________ - ___________ _ Ja'!fU W. Pri",-le. An Act For,thenllet of lames ~. Pringle. Jan~ 26, 192iL_____ _ LoU I. ManI&aU. An Aut GranUng .. ~ to Lo.. I . Marshall. January 26,1929----- Millon Lon,.dor/. An Act For the relief of MUton Lonpdorf. January 28, 1929_____ '- __ _ If. L . F. Au§ur1h. An Act For the relief of E. L . F . Auifurth. January~, 1929 _______ _ Hanv PifICUB • • An Act For the relief.of B&r!Y Pillcua. J~U&i"y 29,1929---- ______ ____ _ Ray BrftMl S...uA. An Act For the relief.of Ray Brneet Smith.. Januar 29, IvJ9_______ _ Leo ScMurtm. An Act For ~hfJ relief of Leo Scheuren. January 29, UJ21L ______________ _ lAnI.ta PeppIJI'. An Act For the relieIof Loretta Pepper. 'Jaauafl29, 1929 ____________ _ Auguat J. MacIc. An Act To authoriH the appointment,of Muter tlergeant Augu.lU . Mack as a warrant officer, United States AriDy. January 2J1. 1929 ____________________ _ Carl Holm. An Ac~ For the relief of Cad Holm. Jan~ w, 1929 ___________________ _ BdcClrd A. BZtsir. An Act For the relief. of Edward A. Blair. Jan'!&fY 30, 1929_________ _ Robert B. Murph.y . An Act For the relief of Robert B. Murphy. January 30, 1I~29 _____ _ BmrafJI Lehman. An Act For the reHel 01 BertramIMman. January 30, 1929 ________ _ R. Wilton SAbrI. An Act For the relief of R. Wilson Selby. January 31, 1929__________ _ S. L . Bo6erW. An Act For the relief of 8. L . Roberta. January 31~ 192iL _______________ _ Gilbtm FmWiftCI and John Alaander. An Aot For the relief of uUbert Faustina and John Boberl ~=. 1:n~:I~u\t~-tb_;paYDi;;tto-iObe;rT~UOthty-Oi; lng from an oU and gu well in the btlc:l of ~he Red River, Oklahoma. February 2, 1920_ p .... 2032 2032 2033 2033 2034 2034 203lS 2036 2035 2035 2036 2036 2036 2036 2037 2037 2OE7 2038 2o.!\8 2038 2039 2039 2039 2039 2040 2040 2041 20.1 2041 2041 2M2 2042 2042 2042 2043 2043 2043 2043 2044 2044 2044 20« 2045