Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1003

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July 8, 1928. August 16, 1928. 2679 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. destination, and, in the case of insured parcels, the number given the parcel. 3. The Administrations accept no responsibility for the correct- ness of the customs declaration or of the dispatch notes. 4. Every parcel shall be packed in a manner adequate for the length of the journey and for the protection of the contents. Ordi- nary parcels may be closed by means of wax, lead seals, or other- wise. Insured Parcels must be closed and securely sealed with wax or otherwise, but the country of destination shall have the right to open them as well as ordinary parcels (including the ~ht to break the seals) in order to mspeet the contents. Parcels which have been so opened shall be closed again and officially sealed, except that in the case of ordinary par- cels they need not be sealed if they were not sealed by the sender in the first instance. Either Administration may re- quire a special impress or mark of the sender in the sealing of in- sured parcels mailed in its service, as a means of protection. 5. Each insured parcel must be marked or la.belled or stamped "Insured", in a conspicuous man- ner on the address side and in close proximity to such indorse- ment there must appear the in- surance number given the pa.rcel. The customs declaration, if not gummed to the parcel and the dispatch note must also be marked or labelled or stamped" Insured". 6. The labels or stamps on in- sured parcels must be so placed that they cannot serve to conceal injuries to the covers. They must not be folded over two tltsos csomagokn81 a csomag regs- zamat. 3. Az igazgatll.sok nem v8l1a No responsibility of Inak . I.... AdminlltratiOlIl!. semmt szavatossA6ot a va- marunyilatkozatok helyess~ge~rt. 4. Minden csomagot az ut Packing, etc. h08Szanak megfeleilSen ~ ugy kell csomagolni, nogy a tartalom vMve legyen. Kijzijn~es cso- magok viasz-vagy 610mpecs~ttel, esetleg egyeb m6don zl!.rhatok Ie. ~~knyilv8.nitassal ellatott cso- Insured parcels. magokat j61 kelllez8.rni ~ viasz- vagy egy~b pecsettel biztonsagot nyujt6 m6don kell lepeesetefni. A rendeltet6>i igazgatasnak meg van azonban a joga, hogy a tartalom megvizsglllasa ooljA.b61 ugy ezeket, mint a kijzij~es csomagokat felnyithassa; e Jog ki.terjed a pecs~tek feltO~re is. Azokat a csomBEokat, amelyeket ilyen m6don felbontottak, ujb61 Ie kell zarni es hivatalosan lepec- setelni; a kozijn~es csomag pec- setelese azonban elmaradhat, ha ezt a felad6 eredetileg nem pec- setelte Ie. . Minde2Yik igazgatasnak joga Special mark by van megkivanni, hogy az lS !lender. szo~lIlataban feladott e~knyil- v8.nitltsos csomagok pecs~teles~n~l a felad6k vMelmiil kiilonos len- yomatot vagy jelet alkalmaz- zanak. 5. Minden e~knyilv8.nitll.ssal Labeling. etc. ellA.tott csomagot "Insured" (= ~~knyi1v8.nit8.s) felirll.ssal, rag- jeggyel vagy belyegzlSvel kell ellA.tni. A felirasnak, ragjegJ'- nek, illetve belyegzlSnek a clUlol- dalon feltUnlSen kell elhelyezve leonie ~ kozvetleniil mellette kell feltUntetni a csomagnak adott ragszamot. A vamarunyilatkozatot-ha aznincs a csomagra. ragasztva~ a szlllli- t6levelet szinten el kell latni az "Insured" (=~rteknyi1vanitas) felirll.ssal, jelzlScMulA.val vagy be- tilzlSvel. 6. Az ~rteknyilv8.nit6.ssa1 ella- Placing stamps. tott csomagokra a jelzlScMulakat vagy betilzlSket ugy kell elhelyezni, hogr. azok a burkolat s~riilesenek eIre]tesere ne szolgalhassanak.