Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1064

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2740 CO~'VENTION-GREECE. APRIL 25,1928. if c:~rJ~~o~ laE~ If an ~eement in regard to agreed upon. such modifications has not been r~ached before the expiration of the year, the.. Convention shall la~se at the end of said period. Contlnned Crom year If no notice is given on either ~io~~Jr~::~~oditlca. side of the desire to propose modifications, the Convention shall remain in force for another year, and so on automatically, but subject always in respect of each such period of a year to the right on either side to propose as provided above three months before the expiration of the said year, modifications in the Con- vention that they may deem expedient, and to the provision that if an agreement in regard to such modifications has not been reached before the expiration of the year, the Convention shall lapse at the end of said period. Convention to lapse In the event that either of Ir effect thereof pre- th H' h C .' P' vented by jU!llciai de- e 19 ontl'acting artles

l~~.D or legISlative ~ ~a~. be p~eyented eit~er .by

Signatures. JudiCIal declSlon or legislative acti9n from giving full effect to the provisions of the present Convention the said Convention shall automatically lapse, and, on such lapse or when~ver this Con- vention shall cease to be in force, each High Contracting Party shall enjoy all the rights which It would have possessed had this Convention not been concluded. In witness whereof, the re- spective Plenipotentiaries have slgned the present Convention in duplicate ill the English and French languages and have here- unto affixed their seals. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-fifth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight. Si l'accord ne s'est pas fait sur les modificati')ns avaut I'expira- tion d'une annea, 10. convention prendra fin A I'expiration deladite periode. Si aucun avis n'est donne de I'une ou I'autre part, du desir de proposer des modifications, 10. convention demeurera en vigueur pour une autre annea, et ainsi de suite automatiquement; mais toujours, sous Ie benefice, pour chaque telle periode d'un an, du droit pour chaque partie de pro- poser, comme il est specifie plus baut, trois mois avant l'expira- tion de ladite annea, des modi- fications A 10. convention qU'elle jugerait convenables, et sous be- nefice de 10. clause suivant laquelle, si I'entente ne s'est pas faite relativement A de telles modifi- cations avant un an, Ie traite prendra fin A l'acbevement de cette periode. Au cas OU l'une ou I'autre des Hautes Parties Contractantes serait em~hea par une decision judiciaire ou par une action legislative d~ donner plein effet aux clauses de 10. pr~nte conven- tion, ladite convention prendrait fin automatiquement, et, en un tel cas ou au moment, quel qu'il soit, OU ce traitC cassera d'etre en vigueur, chacune des Hautes Par- ties Contractantes jouira de tous les droits qu'elle aurait possedes si cette convention n'avait pas etC conclue. En foi de quoi les plenipo- tentiaires respectifs ont signe 10. presente convention en double exemplaire, en langues anglaise et fran9aise et y ont appose leurs cachets. Fait en 10. cite de Washington ce vingt-cinq avril mille neuf cent vingt hmt. FRANK B KELLOGG [SEAL] Cu. SIMOPOULOS [SEAL] RfltillcatioDJ ex· changed. AND WHEREAS the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the e~hteenth day of Febru- ary, one thousand ome hundred and twenty-ome;