Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1068

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2744 ARBI'fRATION TREATY-GERMANY. MAY 5, 1928. _-=M:::.:!1:<..y::'.5•.c::1928 = :.. .._ Arbitration Treaty between the United State8 and Germany. Signed a:l Washington, May 5, 19S8; ratijicationadvised by the Senate, May 10, 19S8; ratijied by the President, May 15, 1928; ratified by Germany, January 1:8, 1929; ratifications exchanged at Washington, February S5, 19S9; proclaimed, 'February S5, 19S9. By THE PRESIDENT 011' THE UNITED STATES 011' AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Arbitration, with WHEREAS a Treaty of Arbitration between the United States of ~ie. America and GermaJ:ll' was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the fifth day of May, one thou- sand nine hlmdred and twenty-eight, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and German languages, is word for word as followe: . Contrllctlng Powers. The President of the United Der Prisident der Vereinigten States of America and the Presi- Staaten von .Amerika und der dent of the German Reich Deutsche Reichsprisident Purpose declared. Determined to prevent so far entschlossen, soweit es in ihrer as in their power lies any inter- Macht liegt, jede IT nterbrechung ruption in the pea.ceful relations der jetzt glilcklichcrweise zwi- now happily existing between the schen den beiden N ationen beste- two nations; henden friedlichen Beziehungen zu 'Verhindern Desirous of reaffirming their von dem Wunsche erfilllt, ihr adt erenee to the policy of sub- Bekenntnis zu der Politik zu mitting to imparti8.l decision all erneuern, alle filr ein Rechts- justiciable controversies tha.t may verf&.hren geeigneten Meinungs- arise between them; and verschiedenheiten, die etwp. ~wi- . schen ihnen entstehen sollten, einer unparteiischen Entschei- dung zu unterwerfen, Eager by their example not in dem Bestreben, durch ihr only to demonstrate their con- Beispiel nicht nur zum Ausdruck demnation of war as an instru- zu bringen, dass sie den Krieg ment of national policy in their als Werkzeug der nationalen mutual relations, but also to Politik in ihren ~egenseitigen hasten the time when the perfce- Beziehungen verurteilen, sondern tion of international aITange- auch den Eintritt des Zeitpunkts ments for the pacific settlement zu beschleunigen, in welchem der of international disputes shall Aoschluss internationaler Uber- have eliminated forever the possi- einkommen zur friedlichen Rege. bility of war among any of the lung internationaler Streitfragen Powers of the world; fUr immer die Moglichkeit eines Krieges zwischen irgend welchen Mii.chten der Welt beseitigen wird, Rave decided to conclude a Raben beschlossen, einen t.reaty of arbitration and for that Schicdsgerichtsvertrag zu schlies- p:wJ>ose they have a.ppointed as sen, und haben zu diesem Zwecke thell' respective Plenipotentiaries zu ihren Bevollmachtigten er- nannt