Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1187

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INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONVENTION. NOVEMBF.R 25,1927. (d) Types of waves and transmitting frequencies (wave lengths) for which adjustments are made, the normal transmitting wave being underlined; (e) Normal radiated power expressed in meter amperes; or, lacking this, the height of the antenna and intensity of the current at the base of the antenna; (f) Nature of services carried on (if the station is equipped with a radiocompass this should be indicated) and the hours of service; (g) N arne of the Administration or private enterprise to which statements of charges must be addressed; (h) Ship charge. §7. In the case of similarity of names between two ship stations of the same nationalitY i as well as in cases where statements of charges must be sent direct y to the owner of the ship, mention shall be made of the name of the shipping company to whICh the ship belongs or of the shipowner. Nom~nclature oj aircraft 8tations §8. The descriftive list of stations must include the following data: (a) Call signa of the station and, if necessary, the name of the aircraft; (b) Name of the country to which the station is subject (abbre- viated indication); (c) Mark and type of the aircraft; (d) Types of waves and transmitting frequencies (wave length) for which adjustments are made, the normal transmitting wave being underlined; (e) Customary route or port of registry of the aircraft; (f) Nature of services carried on and hours of service; if the sta- tion is equipped with radiocompass this should be indicated; (g) Name of the Administration or private enterprise with which statements of charges must be exchanged; (h) Where necessary, the aircraft station charge. Nomenclature oj broadcasting 8tations §9. The descriptive list of stations must include the following data: (a) Name of the station; (b) Where necessary, the call signal; (c) Exact geograyhical position of the transmitting antenna, indi- cated by territoria subdivision and by longitude and latitude in degrees, minutes and seconds, the longituje being calculated with respect to the Meridian of Greenwich' . (d) Transmitting frequency (wave ie~th) of emission; (e) Normal radiated power expressed In meter amperes; or, lack- ing this, the height of the antenna and intensity of the current at the· base of the antenna; . (f) Optionally, days and hours of emission; the hoUl'S shall be in- dicated in Greenwich Mean Time and countries using Summer Time (Daylight Saving) must indicate the hour for each of the two periods of the ~ear; (g) Name of the Administration or private enterprise which carries on the transmission. Symbols indicating tM kind and 8cope oj tM service oj stations 110. The following symbols shall be used in service documents: PG Station open to public correspondence. PR Station open to limited public correspondence. N Station having a continuous day and night service. 2863 Nomenclature of air· CI'IIft stations. Data required. Nomenclature of broadcasting stations. Data required. Symbola of kind and scope of stations' aerv- 108.