Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1375

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INDEX. 3029 BoUi~ Field, D. C.- Continued. Paae. additional site for extending flying field at,autho~ed ________________ 1303 amounts authorized for Army Air Corps buildings,etc ______________ 129,1304 construction for Air Corps, authorized at___________________________ 749 may be selected for radio and communi- cation center_________________ 1303 BoUworm oj Cotton (8ee alBo Pink: Boll- worm of Cotton), appropriation for preventing spread of, etc__________________________ 565 for research on___________________ 1208 Bouer, . H a,:"et B. (widow), Bot~~cTarmstroBot (talk)u~ff.(;;i~)~----------- 2158 pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 1749 Bolton,. La,!ra. E. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1746 Bond, Mary E. (widow), pension____________________________ 2230 Bond, Myron C'J..etc., payment of l.iourt of Claims findings to___________________________ 2346 B0nd3, etc., oj RailroadB, appropriation for securing information concerning ________________ 582,1240 Bondy, Cynthia A. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 1862 Boner, Annie G. (widow), pension____________________________ 1759 Bone8, Thomas P., '.. paymentto Harry Wardman, James D. Hobbs, and.z. . . autho~ed for use . of Bieber »uilding, D. C., by Agricultural Department, 1926, 1927, 1928 __ . _____________ ____ 56 further lease of building autho~ed__ 56 Bone8t~el, ~ebecca A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2195 Bonham, E8ta (widow), pension____________________________ 1962 Bonk, !,an!lie (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 2254 Booherl Comfort E. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ _________________ 2286 B~!;:m~~i02:13, 7 January 2012 (UTC)02:13, 7 January 2012 (UTC)------------ 1999 Booker, Hunter R., payment to administratrix of estate of. 2370 Bookerl M'!ry E. (widow), pension mcreased___________________ 2225 Bookhammer, Mary E. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2153 Bookkeeping and Warrant8 DiIMion, TreaB- ury Department, appropriation for chief of division, and office personneL ___________ 166,1031 for contingent expenses, public moneys ___________________ 166, 1031 for recoinage of gold and minor coins _____________________ 166, 1031 for recoinage of minor coins________ 1032 deficiency ~pprop~iation for recoinage of mmor COlDS________________ 29 Boomer:, E~la S. (widow), pension mcreased___________________ 2176 Boon, J08eph P., jr. (8on), pension____________________________ 1781 Booth, J amea, pension____________________________ 1816 Booth, !tfa~y A. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 2225 Booth, !tfa~y M. (widow), P~. pensIOn lDcreased_ __________________ 2299 Booth, Sarah I. (mother), pension____________________________ 1995 Boothbay Harbor, Me., deficiency appropnation for fish cul- tural station, power vesseL ____ _ Boothe, Sarah E. (daughter), 16 pension____________________________ 2383 Boringl V~oria E. (widow), pension mcreased___________________ 2291 Borlin,. Eli.zabeth Jane (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2156 Borongan, Samar, P. I., deficiency appropriation for Army rent- als in ____________________ 1623, 1674- Borror, aliaa Boer, Wesley, pension ___________ • _____ __ ~__ ___ ___ 2297 B08ely, Mary E. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2193 B081ey,. La,!ra M. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased_ __________________ 1750 B08ley, Martha (widow), pension increased___________________ 2085 BOBter, Roxie (daughter), pension____________________________ 1807 B08tick, Addie R. (widow), penslon____________________________ 2221 B08tick, Samuel L. (80n), penslon____________________________ 1761 Boston Airport, Eaat B08ton, Maa8., moving, reerecting, etc~1. of, authorized_ 1303 B08ton, Cape Cod, and J.V ew York Canal Company, deficiency appropriation for payment of bonds oL____________________ 914- Boston, Mas8., appropriation for passport bureau__ 65,1096 for extending marine hospital build- ing _________________________ _ 176 for rental of pneumatic tubes for mail transmission _______________ 189,1052 for navy yard, public works _____ 635, 1463 for post Office, etc., building________ 1041 deficiency appropriation for navy yard, public works ________________ _ 24 for demolition of present, and con- struction of new post office, etc., buildin~--------------------- 919 for remodeling, etc., immigrant sta- tion_________________________ 1656 investigations directed as to feasibility of extending facilities of Inland Waterways Corporation to in- land water route to Beaufort, N. C ., from__________________ 981 Boston,. S~an J. (widow), pension mcreased_ __________________ 2234- B08ton ViUage, Pa. ' bridge authoriz;! across Youghiogheny River between Versailles and__ 1169 B08twick, COOrie; G., aliaa Carlo8 G. B08t- wick, pension____________________________ 1996 BOBwe~, F,!nnie (daughter), pension lDcreased_ __________________ 1787, 1lice (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 2126 Botanic Garden, D. C., appropriation for director, and other personal services ___________ 527,1397 for repairs, improvements, etc ___ 527, 1397 for ir..Btalling emergency heating pipes, etc _________________ 628,1397