Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1392

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3046 INDEX. CalifOMia Judicial Districts, counties included in southern districL_ ter~ ________________________ _ northern district_ .. _______________ _ ter~ ________________________ _ California Northern Judicial District, deficiency appropriation for paying j udg- P8JIfl. 1424 1424 1424 1424 menta of, in sealing 10saeaAO, 931, 1615 counties composing northern division__ 1424 southern division_ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ 1424 terms of court, at Eureka____________ 1424 Sacramento______________________ 1424 San Francisco____________________ 1424 Clerk's office at Sacramento___ _ _ _____ 1425 Lassen Volcanic Park assigned to______ 463 California Southern Judicial District, counties constituting northern division_ central division __________________ _ southern division ________________ _ ter~ of court, at Fresno ___________ _ Los Angeles _____________________ _ San Diego ______________________ _ Calion, Ark., bridge authorized across Ouachita River, at _________________________ ~ toll charges on bridge across Ouachita River at, authorized __________ _ on retirement of bonds issued, to be a 1424 1424 1424 1424 142·i 1424 308 744 free bridge___________________ 744 Calkin~, A~nefta E. (widow), penslOn mcreased_ _ _ ________________ 1785 Calkins, Sarah F. (widow), pension increased _ __________________ 1969 Callaghan, Katherine Elizabeth Kerrigan, payment to, for death of husband_____ 2373 Callahan, Francis X., benefits of Emergency Officers' Retire- ment Act extended to_________ 2376 Callah~n, ¥argaret (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _ __ __ ______ ____ ___ 2175 Callah~n, ~arah A. B. (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 1894 Callahoone, Leroy, pension __ __ ____ ___ ______ __ __ __ __ ___ 2003 Calland, Ruth K. (daughter), pension____________________________ 2318 Callawc;y, lfmma (widow), penSlOnmcreased____ .______________ 2063 Calumet River, bridge authorized across, at Chicago, ilL __ _______________________ 379 time extended for bridging, at One hun- dred and thirtieth Street, Chica- go, IlL ______________________ 1546 Calvert! Mc;ry (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _ ____ __ ____ __ _____ 1955 Calvin,. M~ry C. (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ _ __ __ ____ ________ _ 2052 Cambouri, Louise M., payment to, for services_____________ 2016 Cambridge, Jesse C. (son), pension____________________________ 1778 Cambridge, Md., bridge authorized across Choptank River at_____________________ 1313 Camden, Ala., bridge authorized across Alabama River, near_________ __ _____ __ 754 Camden, N. J., appropriation for public building ___ 178, 1042 Cameron, Archibald A., pension____________________________ 2383 Cameron, John J., appropriation for, assistant reporter, House of Representatives ___ 523, 1393 Cameron, Mary (widow), Pap. pension increased ___________________ 2099 "Cameronia," British Steamship, thanks of Congress tendered to officers and crew of, for heroic conduct, etc__________________________ 2020 Camp Bragg, N. C ., deficiency appropriation for site_ _ _ _ _ _ 49 Camp Bullis, Tex., sum authorized for purchasing addi- tionalland for ________________ 1073 Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, appropriation for Confederate Ceme- tery aL ____________ . ____ _ 355,1375 Camp Clark, Nevada, Mo., sum authorized for purchase of land, in addition to___________________ 1018 Camp Devens, Mass., construction authorized of buildings at. ______________________ 748,1301 former Act amended_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ 1302 Camp Grounds National Forests, appropriation for facilities for public_ 554, 1204 Camp Knox, Ky., deficiency appropriation for compensa- tion for land and for dam- ages ______________________ 935,1617 Camp Lee Military Re8ervation, Va., transfer of portion of, to Petersburg National Park________________ 1305 Camp Lewis, Wash., construction authorized of buildings at_ 1303 Camp McClellan, Ala., amount authorized for culverts, etc., for camp railroad at__________ 430 construction of buildings authorized at__________________________ 748 of hospitalat_____________________ 1302 Camp Manufacturing Company, may bridge Chowan River ____________ 1434 Meherrin River, in Hertford County, N. C ________________________ 1451 Camp Meade, Md., construction of buildings authorized at_ 748 Camp Normoyle, Tex., construction authorized of barracks at_ 1302 Camp Sherman, Ohio, portion of, transferred to Department of Justice as site for industrial reformatory__________________ 759 Campbell, Albert, military record corrected_____________ 1856 Campb~ll, 1nnie M. (widow), penSlOn lDcreased___________________ 2144 Campb~ll, <;athar-ine, pensIOn mcreased_ . _________________ 1889 Campbell, Catherine A., pension____________________________ 1912 Campbell, Clara B. (widow), pension____________________________ 1792 Campb~ll, qlara L. (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 1950 Campb~ll, lflizabeth (widow), penSlOn lDcreased___________________ 1892 Campbell, F. L., reimbursement to, for amount of bail bond________________________ 1997 Campb~ll, florence (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2212 Campbell, Hanley (8on), pension____________________________ 1803 Campbell, John, pension____________________________ 1776