Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1398

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3052 INDEX. Cereal Plant&, Pap. appropriation for investigating insects Cereal&, affecting __________________ 558, 1208 appropriation for improving methods of production, etc __________ 551,1201 for investigations and control of, dis- eases, etc. ; destroying rust sporee, vegetation, etc _____________ 551,1201 Cerrenner, Salome (widow), pension____________________________ 1818 Certificates of Citizemhip, provisions for issuing, etc____________ 1512 Chacey! Jo~ephine (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _________________ 2218 Chaco Canyon National Monument, N. Mex., appropriation for employees' residence_ 1599 proclamation eolar/p:ng area oL_______ 2937 Chadoc~, l1ary A. (undow), penSIOn Increased_ _ _________________ 1960, !rfartha (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 1865 Chain Bridge, Potomac River, D. C ., deficiency appropriation for recon- structing Virginia abutment of. _ 8 Chain, Dully A. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1869 Chain, John P. (son), pension____________________________ 1762 Chalfant, 13abelle (widow), pension____________________________ 1895 Chalfa~, .J.ames A., penSIOn Increased_ ___ ______ _________ 1990 Challis National Forest Idaho, lands added'to ____________________ 415,415 Chalmette Monument, La., appropriation for roadway and walk on grounds oL _ ___ ______________ 357 Chalmette National Cemetery, La., appropriation for improvements, etc__ 354 for right of way through, for construc- ing new levee by the State______ 354 right of way granted through, for a new levee________________________ 997 Chamberlin, Lowell A., pension____________________________ 1848 Chambers, Fannie (widow), pension increased___________________ 1806 Chambers, Mary E. (widow), pension increased_ _ ________ _________ 1863 Chambers, Mary Levenia (widow), pension increased___________________ 2184 Chambers of Commerce, exempt from income tax_____________ 813 Cham~on,.Addie (widow), cl:~¢~~,IM~~a;e1.-(,;;;rio-;;)~ ----------- 2170 pension increased___________________ 2274 Champlain, N. Y., defiency appropriation for inspection station, construction__________ 1657 Chance, Olive R. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2184 Chandl!!,", I!aac A., penslon____________________________ 1838 Chandler, Lydia A. (widow), pension____________________________ 1794 Chandler, Mary A. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2091 Chaney.. A~na (widow), penslOn Increased___________________ 2182 Chaney.. P~melia (widow), penslOn Increased___________________ 2242 Chaney.. Sa.bina (widow), Pap. pensIon Increased___________________ 1865 Chang Lin, defiency appropriation for payment to Chinese Government for death of ____________ ~__ __ ___ __ ___ __ 911 payment directed to China as indemnity for death of, by American forces_ 488 Channing Street NE., D. C/ ., appropriation for paving, etc., Bladens- burg Road to South Dakota Ave- nuei from gasoline tax fund_ _ _ _ 653 for paving, etc., North Capitol Street eastward; from gasoline tax fund 1270 Chanute Field, Ill., construction of Army buildings author- ized at _______________ ._ _ __ _ _ _ 748 for Air Corps_____________________ 749 Chapin, Florence J. (widow), pension increased_ _ ______ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2197 Chaplain, appropriation for House of Representa- tives _____________________ 520,1390 for Senate ____________________ 517,1387 Chaplains, Navy, age qualifications for appointment of. _ 1150 Chaplin, Lulu, payment to, for death of son_________ 2014 Chapman, Andrew J., pension____________________________ 1945 Chapman, Ellen (widow), pension increased___________________ 1740 Chapman, James W., pension____________________________ 1944 Chapman, Laura A. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2115 Chapman, Robert J., pension____________________________ 2320 Chapman, Susan B. (widow), pension____________________________ 2115 ChaP1n?n, .Waldo A., penSlOn mcreased_ _ _________________ 2003 Chapman, William S., pension____________________________ 2280 Chappelear, Lydia E. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2184 Chappell, Ellen A. (widow), pension increased ___________________ 2187 Chappell, Captain Henry C., reimbursement to, for advertising ex- penses_______________________ 2331 Charbonneault, Eulalie (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2195 Charges d'Affaires ad interim, appropriation for pay of officers acting as, or in charge of consulates_ 65, 1096 deficiency appropriation for salaries___ 48, 911,1611 Charleroi, Pa., bridge authorized across Monongahela River,at ____________________ 1180 Charles, Amanda J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2270 Charles H. Burke Indian School, Fort Win- gate, N. Mex., appropriation for support, etc _____ 218,1579 for support, etc., of hospitaL_______ 1582 Charles, Harriet E. (widow), penmon____________________________ 1810 Charles, Martha A. (widow), pension____________________________ 1869 Charles.. S~an A. (widow), penslOn Increased___________________ 1956