Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1451

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INDEX. 3105 Drcw, Mary E. (widow), Page. pensior,___ ___ ___ ___________________ 1779 Driscoll, Sallie C. (widow), pension increased _ _ ____ __ _ _ __ _ __ 2248, 2303 Driskill, Sarah J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2077 Drohan, Ellen (widow), pt'nsion increased___________________ 2075 Drought Resistant Crop3, appropriation for breeding, etc ____ 551,1201 Drug, etc., Plants, appropriation for investigating diseases oL _______________________ 550, 1201 for physiological and fermentation investigations, etc., oL _ _ _ __ _ __ 550 Drug Products, etc., Agricultural, appropriation for biological investiga- tions, etc.boL---------------- 1207 Drugless Healing, . C., licenses required to practice___________ 1335 DrUg3, Adulterated, etc., D. C., appropriation for detecting ______ 668,1285 Drugs, Deleteriou3, etc., appropriation for suppressing traffic in, among Indians_______________ 1566 Drugs, etc., appropriation for investigating adul- terations, false branding, etc., oL _______________________ 566, 1217 deficiency appropriation for investigat- ingadulterations, etc., oL______ 14 Drummond, Margaret (widow), pension____________________________ 1812 Drury,.Evo; A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased ___________________ 2134 Dry Land Farming, appropriations for improving methods oL _______________________ 551,1201 deficiency appropriation for improving methods oL__________________ 1633 Dry, Susan (widow), pension increased_ _ _____ ____________ 2054 Dry Valley Government Road, Ga., amount authorized for paving, from Rossville, Ga., to Chickamauga, etc., Park____________________ 1305 assent to change in position of road_ _ 1305 acceptance of title to road and main- tenance by Georgia required after completion______________ 1305 Dryden, Tex., construction, Army Air Corps, author- ized at__ __________ ______ _____ 1304 Drysdale, Major Walter S., Army, credit in accounts of, due to loss by ex- Du Bois, ~!ifi~:--------------------- 2331 pension____________________________ 1842 Dubbs,.ltfa!y E. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ _ ________________ 2184 Dubell,. Ca~oline A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2232 DuBois, Jennie (widow), pension increased_ _ _________________ 2177 DuBoise, Archie, payment to, Indian allottee__________ 1708 Duchesne County, Utah, appropriation for aid to public schools; from Indian funds _________ 220,1581 Duckworth, Jean (widow), pension increased__ _________________ 1895 Duckworth, John W. (son), pension____________________________ 1887 Dudley, Edna M. (widow), Page. pcn~on____________________________ 1736 Dudley, George Y., pension____________________________ 2310 Dudroll!' k!ary P. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 1910 Duffield, Sarah E. (daughter), pension increased___________________ 1818 Duffin, Countess B. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2229 Duffy, John J., pension____________________________ 1834 Dugan, Theodore F., pension____________________________ 1769 Dulaney, John W., etc., may bridge Mississippi River, at Helena, Ark__________________ 762 time extended for bridging Mississippi River, at Helena, Ark., by __ __ _ 1529 Duluth and Superior Bridge Company, may bridge Saint Louis River, from Rices Point, Minn., to Connors Point, Wis ___________________ 286 Duluth, Minn., appropriation for public building ___ 178, 10.f2 exchange of lots with the city_ ___ 178 granted easement over site of new public building_______________ 601 lands to be given in exchange by the city _________________________ 601 may bridge Duluth Ship CanaL_______ 116 sale of old Federal building to, on com- pletion of new one_____________ 600 Duluth Ship Canal, bridge authorized aeross, at Duluth, Minn________________________ 116 Dunbar, Malinda S. S . (widow), pension increased___________________ 1968 Dunbar, R. C., payment to________________________ 2355 Dunbar, W. Va., bridge authorized across Kanawha River, at____________________ 981 Duncan, Elizabeth C. (widow), pension_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________ 1767 Dunca1!" E'!'Ima R. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2281 Duncan Field, San Antonio, Tex., construction, for Army Air Corps, authorized at _____________ 749,1304 Duncan, Luscenia (widow), pension increased ___________________ 2195 Duncan Street NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Four- teenth to Fifteenth Streets; from gasoline tax fund_ _______ 654 Duner, Edwin, pension_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ ___________ 1842 Dunhar.n, G.atharine (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _________ 1740 Dunham, Hannah P. M. (widow), pension increased_ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _______ 2202 Dunhar.n, If!ary E. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2206 Dunham, Mary L. (widow), pension increased ______________ . ;_ _ __ 2207 Dunham, Nannie E. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2215 Dunkirk, N. Y., appropriation for public bui1din~ ___ 178, 1042 Dunkle, Jennie Mae Parkinson (undow), pension_ __ _ __ _ _______________ _____ 2007