Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1557

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INDEX. 3211 Lazear, Jesse W., name placed on yellow fever hoI' or roll, Page.. LeBaron, Amelia Morlle (widow), Page. 1823 and presented with gold medal _ 1409 Lazear, Mabel H. (widow), appropriation for monthly payments to ________________________ 353, 1374 LazeUe, Esther E. (widow), pension increased.__ ____ ___ ____ ____ _ 2065 Lazenbll, ~nceline D. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ ___ ________ _______ 1920 Le Cler.e, J.essie W. (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 2180 Le Forpe, qlara Elizabeth (widow), penslOn mcreased_ _____________ __ ___ 2100 Le Roy! A7!"ny L. (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2110 Leach, Alice F. (widow), pension__ ____________ ___________ __ _ 1798 Leach, .An1!a (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 1881 Leach, Salathiel G., penffion____________________________ 1996 Lead Arsenates, appropriation for preventing sale, etc., of adulterated _____________ 566,1218 Leadford, Swin, pension____________________________ 1840 Leadville, Colo., appropriation for fish cultural station auxiliary to; reappropriation_ 98, 1129 Leaf Hopper, appropriation for emergency for special research, etc., of. ___ _________ _ 1220 Leaf Tobacco Statistics (see Tobacco). Leake County, Miss., bridge authorized across Pearl River, in_ 421 may bridge Pearl River, at Edinburg___ 975 Leary, Mary Ann (widow), pension increased___________________ 2059 Leas, Catharine (widow), pension increased_ _ _ ________________ 2052 Leasing of Nonmetallic Mineral Deposits on Public Lands, amended provisions relating to sodium compounds___________________ 1019 Leather, appropriation for developing standards of quality, etc., oL __________ 92,1122 Leathers, Edgar, etc., pension. ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ _ LeBrix, J olleph, distinguished flying cross to be pre- sented Dieudenne Costes and, for aerial journey of 35,000 miles, across the South Atlantic, etc __ 482, ljancy C. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ______ ____ ___ ____ _ 2244 Ledgerwood, John H., payment to, for fire damages_________ 2328 Ledoux, Catherine (daughter), pension____________________________ 1798 Lee and Gordon's Mill, Ga., deficiency appropriation for paving La Fayette Extension Road to_ ___ 929 Lee County, Ill., bridge authorized across Rock River, in __________________________ _ 110 Lee, Dora A. (daughter), pension.___________________________ 1785 Lee, E~a A: (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1903 Lee, Joseph, military record corrected_____________ 2376 Lee, LO?icy. A. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ___ __ _____________ 1921 Lee Mansion, Arlington National Ceme- tery, Va., appropriation for restoration, etc., 01. _ deficiency appropriation for restora- 354 tion, etc., 01._________________ 1666 Lee, Mary E. (widow), pension.___________________________ 1825 Leech Lake Indian Reservation, Minn., appropriation for road from Chippewa Sanatorium at Onigum in; to be built from tribal funds _______ _ Leech Lake Reservation, Onigum, Minn., appropriation for sanatorium, construc- 225 tion, equipment, etc___________ 1582 Leeder, Mary (widow), pension _________________________ ~__ 2252 Leedom;, H,,;,ldah (widow), pensIon mcreased_ _ ______________ ___ 2155 Leeper,. Mi!"nie (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ . 1937 Lees Ferry, Ariz., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 480 water-gauging station ________ _ Leff, C!,rol!ne (widow), may bridge Wabash River, at McGre- gors Ferry, Ill _______________ _ 232 Leavenworth, Kans., appropriation for penitentiary, main- tenance ____________________ 82,1113 working capital reappropriated_ 82, 1113 for Missouri River bridge repairs_ __ 1113 for Volunteer Soldiers' Home ____ 361,1383 deficiency appropriation for peniten- tiary, maintenance ______ 21,906,1646 for penitentiary, repairs, etc________ 1646 for penitentiary, building on prison farm _____ ______ ____ _ _______ _ 1646 for Volunteer Soldiers' Home______ 39, 930, 1667, 1668 Leaves of Abllence, . extended, authorized Spanish War vet- erans in departments to attend annual convention in Habana, Cuba, in 1928; accumlation per- penSlOn mcreased ________ . _____ ____ _ 2092 Lefferts! Ly'dia (widow), penSlOn mcreASed___________________ 1905 Leffing1fJell,. Hannah J. (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ ___ ____________ ___ 1872 Leffler, . Mary (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2123 Lefler, !tIa~y (widow), . pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2209 Legacy Taxes, Revenue Act of 1898, time extended for presenting claims for refunding erroneously collected_ payment directed of amounts allowed claimants ___________________ _ Legations, 398 398 appropriation for clerks at. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 65, 1096 deficiency appropriation for clerks at__ 48 433 for interpreters to __________ ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ 48 595 Legg, Captain M. T., Army, mitted ______________________ _ granted employees in postal sen-ice ___ _ credit allowed in accounts of. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 2261 cumulative sick leave of ten days in a year, extended to six months_ Leavitt, Mary F. (widow), 595 Legion, Tex., sale directed of Veterans' Bureau hos- pension____________________________ 1933 pital reservation at ___________ _ 716