Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1564

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3218 INDEX. Loa Angele& National Forest, Calif., publio lands in, withdrawn from mining entries, for reforestation of watersheds of Los Angeles County _____________________ _ description ______________________ _ lawful existing rights not affected __ discretionary restoration to mining entries of withdrawn lands ___ _ LoIJ IndiolJ Bridge Company, Paae. 956 956 958 958 may bridge Rio Grande, at Los Indios, Tex_________________________ 1183 consent of Mexico required_________ 1183 LoIJ IndiolJ, Tex., bridge authorized across Rio Grande, at___________________________ 1183 consent of Mexico reguired ______ .. __ 1183 Los Ol11lQ1J International Bridge Company, may bridge Rio Grande, at Weslaco, Tex ________________________ _ approval of Mexico required _______ _ 776 776 LolJher, Amanda (widow), pension____________________________ 1799 LOIJIJ by Exchange, appropriation for foreign missions __ 66, 1097 for consulates __________________ 67, 1098 for, by Army officers abroad, and in Alaska ___________________ 329, 1353 Louck, .Ma:y E. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _________ _________ 1928 Louill, Jacob, pension ______ .. ____ ___ _____ ______ ___ 2267 Louisiana, appropriation for providing right of way through Chalmette Na- tional Cemetery for levee work bv__________________________ 354 for aid, etc., to, for loss or damages to roads and bridges, by the floods cf 1927 _______ .. ___ __ __ _ 1382 bridge authorized across Bayou Bar- tholomew, at Point Pleasant, by State Highway Commission ___ _ Red River, at Coushatta, by State Highway Commission oL ____ _ Sabine River, between Vernon Parish, La., and Newton County, Tex., 57 56 by Texas and_______ ________ 1083 m&.y acquire, after completion, bridge across Lake Sabine, at Port Ar- thur, Tex____________________ 610 Mississippi River, at Baton Rouge, La__________________________ 131 Red River, at Montgomery________ 1497 may bridge Atchafalaya River, at 379 279 293 611 387 767 Melville ____________________ _ at Morgan City ________________ _ Red River, at Moncla ____________ _ Sabine River, at Pendleton's Ferry_ at Merryville __________________ _ at Starks ______________________ _ purchase of certain lands in, by owners thereof, authorized_ __ __ _ ___ _ __ 1856 return of bill relating to purchase of land in,requested _________________ 2392 reenrollment of, directed _____ . . ____ 2394 sale authorized of designated accreted public lands in, not lawfully ap- propriated under land Ill.ws_ _ _ _ 422 preference right of owners to pur- chaSe, etc____________________ 423 time extended for bridging River, at Jonesville by State Highway Commission oL _____________ _ 57 Louilliana-Continued. time extended for bridging Ouachita River, at Harrisonburg, by __ at Monroe, by ________________ _ Red River, at Coushatta, by _____ _ time extended for option of, to pur- chase Jackson Barracks _____ _ Louisiana and Te:caa, may bridge Sabine River, at Burr Ferry, La ___________________ _ " LouilJiana", BattlelJhip, Pace. 279 57 1167 391 976. silver service used on, may be delivered to Louisiana State Museum____ 1073- Louisiana Highway Commillsion, sale of portion of Pointe Aux Herbes Lighthouse Reservation to____ 977 consideration_ __ ___ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ 977 free use by New Orleans Pont- chartrain Bridge Company ___ _ to bridge company if commission does not purchase ___________ _ restriction on sale by ___________ _ rights of way for approach to bridge, etc __________________ _ Louilliana State M meum, 977 971 978 978 sil ver bell used on cruiser " New Orleans," may be delivered to custody oC _ _____ ____________ 619 silver service used on battleship" Louis- iana," may be delivered to_____ 1073- Louisiana State University, etc., patent issued in trust to, of former Baton Rouge barracks, approved and confirmed_ _ ______________ 595 right to sell, etc., recognized________ 595 parcel excepted, to Saint Joseph's Church _____________________ _ land used by railroad company ___ _ when occupation of railroad ceases, 595 595 land to revert to University, etc_ 595 Louisville, Ky., appropriation for acquiring site and erecting public building at; !:Iale of present structure ________ 179,1043 bridge authorized across Ohio River, by _________________________ _ loan of Army cots, etc., authorized for national convention of American 146. Legionat ____________________ 1142 Louthan, Margaret A. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2202 Love, Edith L. (widow), pension____________________________ 1957 Love, J,fari.etta (widow), penSIOn lllcreased _________________ .. _ 2267 Love, Sarah (widow), pension_ ________ ____ _____ _____ _____ 2283 Lovejoy.. B~idget E. (widow), penSIOn lllcreased_ _________ __ ___ ___ _ 2060 Lovel Point, Md., bridge authorized across Bear Creek, at. 727 Lovelac.e, ~ary M. (widow), peIt310n mcreased ______________ ._ _ _ _ _ 1872 Lovela~y, ~arah A. (widow), pensIOn lllcreased_ _ _ ___ __ __ __ _ ____ _ _ 2201 Lovell, Annie M. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2237 LOIJell, John, pension _________________________ .. __ 2003 Lovell, ~u8,:,n (widow), pensIOn mcreased ___ .. __ ____ __ __ _____ 2286 Lovell, Walter D., payment to, for extra services, supplies, etc__________________________ 2039