Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1587

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INDEX_ 3241 Mississippi-Continued. Page. may acquire, after completion, bridge across Mississippi River, at Ar- kansas City, Ark______________ 381 at Helena, Ark___________________ 762 sale authorized of designated accreted public lands in, not lawfully ap- propriated under land laws_ __ __ 422 preference right to purchase by owners, etc__ ____________ __ ___ 423 Mississippi Avenue SE., D. C. appropriation for grading, First Street to Halley Terrace_____________ 655 M iS8isBi ppi N ortkern Judicial District, appointment of judge for, authorized__ 1422 Missis.~ippi River (see also. Misaissippi River and Tributaries, Flood Control), appropriation for reimbursing local in- terests for emergency levee con- struction and repairs on lower, flood of 1927; immediately aVl\ilable__ ___ _________ ____ ___ 359 for prosecuting work of flood con- troL _____________________ 359, 1381 for emergency fund for flood rescue work on tributaries oL________ 1381 for prosecuting work of flood control under Act of 1928____________ 930 deficiency appropriation for emergency flood controL _ _ __________ ____ 38 allotment of funds used for, ap- proved______________________ 38 bridge authorized across, at Aitkin, Minn_______________________ 761 at Alma, Wis_____________________ 289 at Arkansas City, Ark_____________ 381 at Baton Rouge, La_______________ 130 at Bettendorf, Iowa_______________ • 759 at Carondelet, Mo_ _______________ 505 at Cassville, Wis__________________ 293 at Chester, IlL _________________ 283, 291 at Cohasset and Deer River, Minn___ 473 at Hastings, Minn ________________ 1075 at Helena, Ark___________________ 762 at HickmanjKy__________________ 321 at Lansing, owa__________________ 280 at Little Falls, Minn______________ 118 at Monticello, Minn_______________ 118 at Prairie du Chien, Wis ___ .. _______ 198 at Tiptonville, Tenn_______________ 507 at Wabasha, Minn_________________ 282 project of plan recommended by Chief of Engineers for flood control of, and improvement from Head of Passes to Cape Girardeau, adopted_____________________ 534 board to carryon, created_________ 534 composition of, and duties_______ 534 execution by Mississippi River Com- mission_ ____________ __ _______ 535 sum authorized for________________ 535 unexpended balances for flood con- trol on, available___ __ _ __ __ _ ___ 535 provisions for water transportation facilities by barges, etc., on, and tributaries _____________ 978-981 time extended for bridging, at Arkansas City, A,rL___________________ 1511 at Baton RO'lge, La_______________ 1093 at Bettendorf, Iowa_______________ 1512 at Cairo, IlL_____________________ 1557 at Carondelet, Mo________________ 1308 atChester, Ill. ___________________ 1529 at Clearwater, Minn ___________ 118,1527 Mis8issippi River-Continued. time extended for bridging, at Helena, Page. Ark_________________________ 1529 at Hickman, Ky__________________ 1532 at Natchez, Miss_________________ 1094 at New Orleans, La _____________ 193,732 between New Orleans and Gretna, La__________________________ 1229 at Quincy, Ill____ ____ ____ ______ ___ 296 at Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minn_____________________ 293, 1185 at Savann8:t.Ill---------------- 297,1158 at Tiptonville, Tenn______________ 1451 at Vicksburg, Miss________________ 1446 Mississippi River and Tributaries, Flood Control, project of plan submitted by Chief of Engineers for flood control of the Missi~ippi, and improvement from Head of Passes to Cape Girardeau, adopted ___________ _ 534 board to carryon the project created; compensation, etc_____________ 534 to consider engineering differences between the project and plans re~ommende~ . by Mississippi River COmmtssIon ___________ _ decisions of President on recom- mendations of, to be followed __ _ limit on power oL _______________ _ 535 535 535 project 1:0 be exec~te~ by Mississippi River CommIssIon_ _ __________ 535 board to have surveys made between Baton Rouge, La., and Cape Gi- rardeau, before undertaking flood control other than levees, etc__ _ protection of adjacent lands by diver- 535 sion works and outlets__ _ __ _ __ _ 535 areas within floodways, etc., pending completion___________________ _ 535 no postponement, etc., with executing project on east side of the river _ 535 unexpended balances for Mississippi River flood control made avail- able _________________________ _ local contribution toward cost of flood control declared a sound prin- ciple _______________________ _ considerations for not requiring, for adopted project _____________ _ assurances required of States, etc., be- fore expenditure on any con- struction item or project ______ _ maintain control works after com- pletion _____________________ _ accept flowage lands turned over to them _______________________ _ provide rights of way for levee foun- dation, Cape Girardeau to Head of Passes ____________________ _ no Federal liability for flood damages_ land or flowage rights where levees not practicable, and lands subject to overflow, now protected by levees on opposite bank, to be acquired ____________________ _ flowage rights to be provided for addi- tional flood waters caused by di- verting main channeL _________ _ resulting benefits to be considered__ _ condemnation in district courts for lands needed for project ______ _ assessment of value ______________ _ purchase from owner fixing a reason- able price ___________________ _ 535 535 535 535 535 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536 536