Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1598

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3252 INDEX.. National Capital Park and Planning Com- Pap. mission, D. C . -Continued. report to be made by, as to the best utilization of the Potomac River from Rock Creek to above the Great Falls___________________ 1012 terms of appointive members modified, etc_________________________ _ nopayforaervice on, but actual travel expense and $8 in lieu of sub- sistence allowed ______________ _ temporary appointment of Congres- sional Members at close of Con- ~------------------------ 726 727 727 National Cemeteries, appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 354. 1374 for superintendents_____________ 354, 1374 for Arlington Memorial Amphithe- ater, etc.; cemeteries abroad_ 354, 1374 for Chalmette, La_________________ 354 for restoration of Lee Mansion, Ar- lington, Va __________________ _ for repairs to roadways; restrictioD __ 354 354, 1375 roads limited to one approach_ 354,1375 for headstones for soldiers' graves, etc _______________________ 354,1375 for Antietam battle field; superin- tendent ___________________ 354,1375 for disposition of remains of officers, enlisted men, citizens, etc.; re- movals ___________________ 354,1375 recovery of bodies____________ 355,1375 segregation of bodies in American cemeteries, Great Britain and France _____________________ _ for Confederate Mound, Chicago, lli_ 355 355, 1375 for Confederate burial plats _____ 355, 1375 for monuments, etc., in Cuba and China ____________________ 355,1375 deficiency appropriation for expenses_ _ 37, 43, 50 for furnishing headstones for soldiers' graves in Europe_____________ _ for designs, etc., for completion of 37 Tomb of Unknown Soldier_____ 37 for headstones for soldiers' graves___ 43, 50, 936,938,1620 for Zachary Taylor,! Ky____________ 929 for restoration of Lee Mansion, Ar- accePt~~ro~1 VbTarmstroBot (talk);e- i;bictB--i;-b~ 1666 placed in Andersonville, Ga., by Grand Army Woman's Relief COrps_______________________ 1447 of land authorized for establishing, at battle field of Perryville, Ky_ establishment authorized of Zachary Taylor, Ky__________________ _ headstones authorized for graves of soldiers who served in Confeder- 160 494 ate Army, in, and other ceme- teries________________________ 1307 part of, Ba.ton Rouge, La., conveyed to city for public street _________ . 758 right of way granted through Chal- mette, La., for a new levee_ ____ 997 National Conference oj Commi8sioners on Unijorm State Laws, appropriation for aid to, by District of Columbia_________________ 651,-1269 National Currency, appropriation for distinctive paper for__ 166, 1032 Pace. N atio1' Gurrency-Continued. appropriation for exr..enses, redemption of, Treasurer s Office _______ 168,1034 for personal services, Office of Comp- troller of the Currency _____ 168, 1034 National Defense Act Amendments, limitations on pay to National Guard, modified ____________________ _ National Guard heavier than air squad- ron may have commissioned of- ficer as one caretaker_________ _ civilian caretakers for materials, etc., 500 440 if none competent in personneL_ 440 provisions for national rifle and small armsmatches___ . ___________ _ 786 National Fire Prevention Week, proclamation designating October 9 to 16,1927, as__________________ 2925 National Forests, appropriation for administration oC 553, 1203 for expenses, district administration_ 553, 1204 for fighting, etc., forest fires _____ 553,1204 for airplane patrol to prevent forest fires on, etc _______________ 553,1204 for selecting lands within, for home- stead entries _ _ _ _ __________ 554, 1204 for sanitary and fire protection, pub- lic camp grounds within ____ 554,1204 for improving range conditions, etc_ 555, 1205 for purchase of seed, etc., for tree planting; experiments, etc _ __ 555, 1204 for roads, trails, etc., for developing_ _ 555, 1205 for extension of, under Conservation Act ______________________ 555,1206 for expenses, restoring lands in _ _ _ 202, 1564 deficiencv appropriation for fighting, etc.,forestfiresin ___________ 12,1633 for emergency insect infestations in__ 12 for roads, trails, etc_______________ 12 acquiaition of lands, etc., for forest tree nurseries, authorized from appro- priation for planting trees on_ _ __ 1318 additions to Absaroka and Gallatin, for preserving game animals, etc_ __ 603 authorizations of appropriations for roads and trails in, 1930, 193L_ 750 corrected description of lands added to Crater,M8::~ae~Ch~~g;-~Cb;nds- -to; 1426 addition to___________________ 450 public lands added to______________ 450 exchanges authorized of lands within Spanish or Mexican grants in New Mexico, for additions to Carson, Manzano, or Santa Fe_ 431 lands added to Challis, Idaho_________ 415 Challis and Sawtooth, Idaho_______ 415 Gunnison, Colo___________________ 451 Idaho___________________________ 415 Manti, Utah, by exchange_________ 370 Missoula, Mont_______ . _ ______ ___ 598 Montezuma, Colo_________________ 711 lands in Montana within six miles of, may be acquired to become parts of the nearest_ _______ ____ 1145 Lincoln, N. Mex.; exchange of public lands for privately owned lands within, for adding thereto______ 1154 Powell, UtahJ.. areas from, added to Bryce \,;anyon National Park_ _ 147 proclamation diminishing area of San Juan, Colo_ _______ __ ____ _____ 2955 Sequoia, Calif____________________ 2921