Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1709

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Public Land.!-Continued. sale authorized of designated accreted lands in Mississippi and Louisi- ana, not lawfully appropriated under public land laws _______ _ preference right of owners to file application for purchase ______ _ proof of ownership, etc., required __ appraisals to be made upon filing of application __________________ _ exclusive of increased value by development, etc., by applicant- patent to applicant, on receipt of notice of appraisal, and pay- ment of appraised value ______ _ proceeds to be covered into the Treasury under land laws _____ _ patent based on application in case of unperfected entry on which final proof has not been submitted __ _ issue of, on completing entry ____ _ rules, etc., to ~J>rescribed--------­ sale of lands to W. R ., Ruth T., and Queen E. Walker ____________ _ setting apart of, for Badlands National Monument, S. Dak __________ _ for Grand Teton National Park, Wyo _______________________ _ set aside in Inyo County, Calif., for Indians of Indian Ranch ______ _ for Indians of Walker Reservation __ for Koosharem Band of Indians, at Koosharem: Utah ____________ _ for Paiute ana Shoshone Indians, at Summit Lake, Nev ________ _ stock-raising homestead entry of Ed- win T. Pfister to be patented __ _ of James R. Rice patented ________ _ of Carolina Salazar, validated ______ _ of Vera M. Watts, validated ______ _ timber sales authorized on revested timberlands and agricultural lands of Oregon and California Railroad and Coos Bay Wagon Road grants _________________ _ rules for cutting to be prescribed ___ _ time extended for determining titles to lots in Pensacola, Fla _________ _ further extended for paying install- ments due on ceded lands of Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations, N. Dak. and S. Du _____________________ _ town site of Saint Marks, Fla., to be surveyed into lots, etc., apprais- ed and sold at public auction __ lands for cemetery and public park reserved ____________________ _ tract reserved for sole use and benefit of Ban Ddefonso Pueblo Indians_ tracts of, not in exce1!8 of 160 acres held in good faith by citizens, in peaceful adverse possession for more than twenty years may be patented to claimants _____ _ payment required ______________ _ if area in exceI!8, subdivision to be determined by jihe 8ecretary__ _ minerals contained 'herein reserved to United States _____________ _ disposal of, under leasing laws ___ _ consideration of adverse claims ____ _ appraisal, etc., of lands on applica- tion for purchase thereof ______ _ basis of, etc ___________________ _ INDEX. 3363 Page. 422 423 423 423 423 423 423 423 423 423 1853 1553 1314 162 160 162 160 1156 1157 1157 1157 597 597 365 400 254 254 1161 1009 1069 1069 1069 1069 1070 1070 1070 Public Lands-Continued. Pap. use of, for electric transmission lines under Boulder Canyon Project Act_________________________ 1061 withdrawal from public entry of, found ·to be irrigable by works author- ized by Boulder Canyon Project Act_________________________ 1063 to be opened under reclamation law _ 1063 preference to persons serving in World War, etc_______________ 1063 withdrawal of/...,directed from watershed of Rio .t 'ueblo de Taos, N. Mex_ 372 withdra.wn from entry, site of battle between Nez Perces and Army under Nelson A. Miles_________ 621 from mining entries, for reforesting watersheds in Los Angeles Coun- ty, Calif_____________________ 956 Public LilJrary, D. C., appropriation for personal services __ 648. 1265 for substitutes, temporary services, etc _______________________ 648, 1265 station restrictions; exception __ 648, 1265 for Sundav and holiday opening __ 648, 1266 for books; periodicals, etc________ 648, 1266 advances for book, etc., purchases_ 648, 1266 for binding ____________________ 648, 1266 for contin~ent expenses _________ 648,1266 for acqwring site for northeast branch____________________ 648, 1266 for rent, Chevy Chase and Wood- ridge branches________________ 1266 Public M 0My3, appropriation for contingent expenses__ 166, 1031 Public M 01U1/8, Public Lands, clerk in General Land Office may be . designated to act for Commis- sioner as receiver of, in absence of regular depoeitary_______ 202,1564 Public Printer, appropriation for, Deputy, and office . personnel _________________ 530, 13V9 directed. to deliver Supreme Court Re- ports to Attorney General, upon request______________________ 1144 salary established of, and Deputy Publio Printer________________ 1006 Public Printing and Binding (au also Government Printing Office), appropriation for working capital for authorized work ___________ 530, 1399 for Government Printing Office, sal- aries, eto _________________ 530, 1399 for necessary employees ________ 530,1400 for paying salaries for holidays, etc ___! ______ ~ ____________ 530,1400 for leaves of absence ___________ 530, 1400 for general expenses ____________ 530,1400 inks, glues, etc., made at Govern- ment Printing Office may be sold to departments, etc_~ __ 530,1400 for indexing Congressional Record. 530, 1400 for Government Printing Office __ 530,1400 for Architect of the Capitol _____ 530, 1400 for Superintendent of Documents_ 531, 1401 for Department of State _________ 64, 1096 for Pan American Union _________ 71,1102 for Department of Justice _______ 77,1108 for Supreme Court ______________ 79, 1109 for Court of Claims _____________ 79,1110 for Department of COmmerce ____ 84,1115 for Patent Office•••••••••• ______ 84, 1116