Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1770

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3424 INDEX. Supplies, Poatal Servictr-Continued. Paa•. appropriation for postmarking stamps; typewriters, letter scales, etc_ 191, 1054 for miscellaneous, city delivery, etc.; post route, etc., maps ______ 191,1054 for twine and tying devices _____ 192,1054 for expenses of shipping_________ 192,1054 for canceling machines, labor saving devices_ ________ __________ 192, 1054 deficiency appropriation for shipping_ _ 26, 43, 50, 1620, 1672 Suppliu, Services, and Transportation, Army, deficiency appropriation for __________ 43,44 4~ 161~ 1622, 1672, 1674 Supplies, United Statu Courts, appropriation for _________________ 81,1112 deficiency appropriation for__________ 1617 S'I.I,pply Comm~Uee (see General Supply Committee, Treasury Depart- ment). Supply Division, Treasury Department, appropriation for Chief of, and office personneL ___ .. ____ ____ ___ _ 164, 1030 for printing and binding________ 164, 1030 for stationery _________________ 164, 1030 for postage____________________ 164, 1030 for General Supply Committee__ 164, 1030 Supreme Court Building Commission (see United States Supreme Court Bu1lding Commission). Supreme Court, D. C., appropriationforsalaries __________ 670,1287 for fees, etc., of witnesses _______ 670, 1287 for jurors _____________________ 670, 1287 for bailiffs, etc.; jury commission- ers _______________________ 670,1287 for probation system ___________ 670, 1287 for courthouse expenses; repairs_ 670, 1287 for lunacy writs, expenses_______ 671,1287 for miscellaneous expenses where United States is a party ____ 671,1288 for printing and binding for _____ 671,1288 deficiency appropriation for judges, additional compensation_ _ _ __ __ 9 for jurors, 1926___________________ 9 for printing and binding for________ 9 for witnesses ____________________ 45, 933 for miscellaneous expenses _ _ _ _ _ __ 891, 933 for inoreased salaries, 1929_________ 1630 additional justice of, to be appointed__ 1056 assignment of a judge, to preside at condemnation of land cases_ __ _ 1056 when not so engaged to be assigned to other cases_ _ _ _ _ ___________ 1056 authorized to review upon anr ques- tion of law, decisions 0 Secre- tary of the Interior, on claims under contracts for war miner- am__________________________ 1166 jurisdiction as a district court of the United St&tes________________ 1166 right of appeal to Dbtrict Court of Appeam; review by United States Supreme COurt_________ 1166 fees of clerk, modified_______________ 410 jurisdiction of, on suspending or revok- ing healing arts licenses_ _ _ ___ _ 1337 marriage records in health office trans- ferred to__ ________ _________ 1285 Supreme Court of the United States, appropriation for Chief and Associate Justices, and other personal services____________________ 79, 1109 assignment of work ___________ 79,1109 Supreme Court oj the United States--Con. Paae. appropriation for additional assistant to Reporter ________________ 79,1109 for printing and binding for ______ 79, 1109 for miscellaneous _______________ 79, 1110 for Reporter ____________________ 79,1110 deficiency appropriation for increased compensation of justices_______ 20 for salaries__ __ ___ _ __ ___ __________ 905 for site for a building for_________ 1614 for increased compensation_ __ __ __ _ 1645 Chief JU5tice, and an associate justice to serve on Commission for new building_____________________ 1067 commission created to procure plans, etc., of building for___________ 1067 time extended for submitting plans, etc__________________________ 1261 law library of the late Elbridge T. Gerry, the gift of Senator Peter G. Gerry, may be accepted by __ 457 marshal of, salary, duties, etc._ _ _ _ __ _ _ 424 assistants and messengers to be appointed by_________________ 424 review of judgment of District of Columbia Court of Appeam, on claims for contracts for war minerals_ ___ _____ _____ ___ ____ 1166 Supreme Court Reports to be printed, bound, and issued within eight months after decisions rendered_____________________ 1143 distribution by Attorney General_ __ 1143 officers, etc. named; customs court added_ ___ _____ _________ ll43 complete sets of, and digests, to officers, etc., entitled thereto, who have not received them_ __ _ ll44 limit,ation of sets to military head- quarters_____________________ ll44 restriction on distribution to courts not held in public buildings_ _ _ __ __ _ ll44 clerks of courts to keep, and digests, for use of the courts, etc.; pres- ervation_________ ., _______ ___ _ 1144 delivery of, from Public Printer, to Attorney General, as required_ _ 1144 Surety Bonds, Postal Service, payment of annual premium on, deemed So renewaL____________ 247 Surgeon General, Army, appropriation for printing medical bulletins prepared by_ __ _ _ __ 327, 1351 Surgeon General, Public Health Service, appropriation for salaries, office oL 173, 1039 tor pay, allowances, etc_ _ __ __ __ _ 173, 1039 Surgeon General'8 Office, War Department, appropriation for civilian personnel. 326, 1349 for Medical Museum ___________ 340,1363 for library _ ___________________ 340, 1363 Surgical Appliances for Di8abled Soldiers, etc., appropriation for furnishing_ __ __ _ 357, 1379 Surrell, Olive (widow), pensionincreased. ___ _______________ 1875 Surtaxes (see also Revenue Act of 1928), levied on incomes of individuals over $10,000______________________ 796 Survey oj Battle Fields, appropriation for continuing work of, war of the Revolution_________ 1377 for Atlanta, Ga., and Kenesaw Moun- tain_________________________ 1377 Surveying Public Lands, appropriation for expenses_ __ _ _ _ __ 202, 1565