Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1816

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3470 INDEX. Yuma Indian RUllTVation, Calif. -Con. Paae. share of credits to Imperial irrigation district of water right charges, etc., for lands in______________ 1321 Yuma Irrigation Project, Ari,., deficiency appropriation for reimburs- ing, for Colorado River levees, etc__________________________ 903 credit for construction charges of water right applicants of payments by Imperial irrigation district of California____________________ 1321 pro rata share in Yuma. Indian Res- ervation_ _ _ _ ________ _________ 1321 where constructions chargea are v.aid in full, payments of credIts to operation and maintenance_____ 1321 Yuma Irngation Project, Ariz.- Cali/., appropriation for maintenance, etc., ot. _________________ ._- - - -- 228, 1590 maintenance of commercial sys- tem ______________________ 228, 1590 for operating, etc., Colorado River levee system adjacent to____ 231, 1593 Z. Zachaf'1/ Taylor National Cemetery, Ky., defiCIency appropriation for establish- ing _________________________ _ title of land to be donated __________ _ burial _grounds of former President Zachary Taylor, established 88_ Za~,Ohio, . appropriation for acquiring additional land for public building at ___ _ Zapata, Te:J:., bridge authorised acr088 Rio Grande at__________________________ _ consent of Mexico required ________ _ Zebley,.Ma,ry Ann (widow), ZeTarmstroBot (talk) 03:27, 7 January 2012 (UTC)(~~------------------ peD8lon mcreased __________________ _ Zeigler t P~be (widow), peD8lon lDCreaaed __________________ _ Zeiher,. H~';" (tDidotD), ZTarmstroBot (talk)E~~);--------------- Z~lr~L~------------------- pension ___________________________ _ Zenor, Pelifsh M. (widow), penSIon mcreased __________________ _ Z.ppernick, Sarah (widow), pension mcreased __________________ _ 929 929 494 182 387 387 1918 2120 2273 2116 2222 1989 2184 1894 o Ziegler,. C~ra (widow), Pa&e. pensIOn lDcreased_ _ __ __ __ _____ ______ 2121 Ziegler! Sa~ah A. (widow), penSIon mcreased_ _____ __ ___ __ ______ 1901 Ziegler~ S~an (widow), pensiOD mcreased_ __________________ 1901 Ziuenu, Augusta (daughttlr), pension____________________________ 1735 ZingareU, M., and wife, reimbursement to, for 1088 of real prop- erty_________________________ 1712 Zinn, -!uli~ A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1949 Zinn, ~ate. A. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 2072 Zion National Park, Utah, appropriation for administration, etc _______________________ 236, 1599 deficiency appropriation for lighting system______________________ 904 diversion of water from springs in, to Springdale, authorized_________ 787 Zirkle, Arnold M., ZoYi:'~iui"a-; if:(;;;a;;;;f, -------------- 1993 pension increased___________________ 2150 Zoofc, l!U~ A. (widow), pension mcreased_ _ ______ __ _________ 2292 Zoological Park, D. C ., National, appropriation for acquiring lands for connecting parkway between Potomac and Rock Creek Parks, with _____________________ 680, 1296 forexpenses ___________________ 680,1296 deficiency appropriation for exhibition cages, etc.,___________________ 893 for salaries, 1929__________________ 1694: ZufaU,;MarJl N. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2148 Zuni Indian Ruervation, N. Mez., appropriation for irrigation project on _______________________ 210,1572 defici~~elo:d~~o-P-~tTarmstroBot (talk)_~~r_ TarmstroBot (talk):TarmstroBot (talk) 902 sum authorized for constructing road ~thin_______________________ 501 employment of Indian labor________ 501 mamtenance free of cost to United States, by New Mexico, etc____ 501 Zuni IMian &aotorium, N. Me:J:., appropriation fN sup,port, etc., 01.__ __ 1582 ZwiUing, Anna M. (WIdow), pension increased_ ___ _______________ 2167 Zyvouki, Albert J., payment to, for fire 108Ses____________ 1702