Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/230

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1906 Sarah Wrltenour. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I. Ca:. 740. 1928. The name of Sarah Writenour,, widow of Daniel F. Writenour, la~ of ,C<>mpany G, Si:xty~i1inthRegiment Illinois Volunteer Infan- try, and.,,Pay he1' a~on at the rate cjf $lSO per month in lieu of that she '18 noW' l"eOOIvi!l8'- ' , . Muy I. Coo_, The name of Mary. I . Cbntre1'ge widow of John Q. Converse, late of Comp~yI,. Olle hun~red a~d t~enty-fh:st Regiment Ohio Vol- unteer Infentry.l\and'pay her .. pensIon at the rate of $50 per month in, lieu ofUl&t s.b9: is no" receinng. ,1, ' , Manha 1. Harris. The natheof 'Ya.ttha. J . Hams,' Widow of ·Robert O. Harris, late of Company 13, Forty-eighth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, 'aild .1>&Y b,er a ~on at th& rate'of $M per month in lieu of that CerrIo c. Stilwell. Pension. EmmaShori. she Ufnowrec8rnng.'· ·' ' The nattleofCarrie' C. Stilwell, widow of William F. Stilwell, late of Company A, ~nd Regiment Illinois Volnnteer Cavalry, and.l>&Y her & ~on'at the raie of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receIv1bC. ' , TM name of EniinaShort, widow of JamesK. Short, alias John Martin, late of Company C, One hundred and sixtieth Regiment NfSfII York Volunteer Infantry, and CompanyK, Fifteenth Regiment Mich~ ,Volunteer Infantry, and pay her & pension at the rate of ~=t:~. ,$3~n~:=t~~ Cathrine Moore, widow' C?f Robert Mooret.}ate of Company D, One hundred and second Regim~t New York ~ational Guam, and pay her a ~n at the rate of '$!SO per month in lieu of that she is nowreceiVi,. ' Muy E. Sheets. The name 'of ~'E. heets, widoW' of George Sheets, 'late of Companies H and I, One ,hundred AJld· fourteenth Regiment Ohio Vol\1l1teer I~fantry,: and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per xnont}J, in lieu of that she js now re{'.eiving. ' Nancyl.PaJlle. The nam&MN~C! J. P,!,yne, widow of Evander M. Payne, late of Company L t Fourth ~t Kentucky Volunteer Oavaay, and pay her '!' ~on8t the ~te of $M permOJlth in lieu of that she is Pensions; Muy E. Cline. Muy 1. Smith. now receIVIng. . ., The name of Ma~ E. Cline, widow of Albert J. Cline, late of Company'L, Eighth Re~ent Iowa VolWlteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $80' per month. The name of Mary J. SmitJi, widow of Isaac D. Smith, ",lias Thomas ?laloy, late of CoD!pany A, Seventeenth Regiment New York VolUnteer Infantry; Company B, Thirty~seeond Regiment, lJnited StateS Volunteer Infantry; Company B, Third Battalion, Fourteenth Regiment 'O'nited States Volunteer Infantry; and com- miss3.ry ,and, quartermaster serge&nt,'and pay her i. pension at the rate' of $80 j>el' month. '. . Oerti:ude Palmer. The name of Gertrpde Palmer, former widow of Barnaba.q D . Palmer, la~ of Company OJ Ninth ~giment ~ansasVolunteer Cav- alry, and CoDipany K, FIfth RegIment UnIted States Volunteer Infantry, and fay her It. pension at the rate of $80 per Irionth. Nina Han. Th~ name 0 Nina Har~ widow of Miller H. Hartt. ~ate of Com- panyK,OneliundrM &ad ~orty.:eighth Regiment OniOVolunteer Infahtry, and w her a pensIon at the rate of $30 per'month. ~::~,~8r. The name of Sara:hE. Alexanderi widow of Jolrii Alex~nder, late of ComPII.DY H, Fou~ Ueghnent Oni,o Volunteer Infantry and pay he~ ~ J>8nsion at the rate of $50 per ~onth hi lieu of that ~e is now Barah Gaston. recel'VUlg. ,.. . The name of Sfl.rah Gaston, widow of James W. G~n, late of CoPlPIlllY. H, ~ighteenth Re~nt Ohio Volw,:lf;8l!r Infantry, an!i pal her ~J?E!DSlon at,the rate of $60 per month m lieu of that she 18 now ~lvmg. E. Adel1a Daun. . The name of E. Adelia Dann, widcw of Silas N. Dann, late of Company D, One hundred and'mxth Regiment Pennsylvania Vol-