Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/325

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I. Co. 849-851. 1928. Young Men's Christian Association of Arkansas for use by the said association for a camp: The south half of the northeast quarter, Deecrlptloo. southeastqua.rter of the northwest quarter and lot ~ section 31, in township '6 north, range 17 west, county of Conway, ~tate of Arkan~ SIS, containing one hundred and sixty-eight and ninety-seven hun~ 2001 dredths acres: Provided, That there shall be reserved to the United ~ States all oil, coal, or other ~inerals in the land, and the right to aerved. etc., re- prospect for, mine, and remove the same under such rules and regu- lations as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe. Approved, May 28, 1928. May 28, 1928. CHAP. 860. -An Act To confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear -.-.;;::2[87:-"-"i~~.1=-<"- and determine the claim of John L. Alcock. [Private, No. 226.1 Be it eruzcted by the S6Mte and HOUB~ of Representati-veB of the llfmted C' laO 8tatf68thO/UA~ted'Stain,tes0be~d" h(/,88emh b '?ea, .That. t~ed90~ ~~L·of~k.propo o IJDS 0 eDl ,an ere y IS, given JUns IctlOD arty 1_, etc., re- to hear and determine the claim of John L. AlcoCk, of Baltimo~l ~=.. to Court 01 Maryland and to award him compensation for losses or datnage, it any, which he may have suffered thtough action by governmental a~ncie8 in commandeerins, requisitioning, controllmg by compul:" sion or otherwise, allocatmg or directing the contracting for, or delivery of, spruce and fir lumbert which he owned, or had sold under firm and binding contracts to others than allied Governments; and to enter decree or ~udgment against the United States for such compensation, with mterest thereon, notwithstanding the fact that there was no taking by the United States of any or said spruoe or fir lumber for the direct use of the United States, and notwith- standing the contracts made by claimant with representatives of the Governments allied with the United States, and notwithstanding the fact that the United States, or any oflicert a~ntJ or employee actin~ in its behalf, controlled, allocated, or directed the delivery of said spruce and fir lumber, or directed or required contracts to be made therefor under color of authority, or committed' a tort in doing so. Sro.2. The Court of Claims in the adjUdication of such claim is TarmstroBot (talk) 23:18, 6 January 2012 (UTC) prior plead- authorized, in jts discretion, to use, in addition to any evidence ' which may be offered in any suit brought under this Act.z the plead- ings and evidence in the case of John L. Alcock and Company against United States (Sixty-first Court of Claims Reports, page 312). SEC. 8. Such claim may be instituted at any time within four aui~ommencement of months from the approval of this Act, notwithstanding lapse of time . or al!y statute of lImitations. Proceedings in any suit brought in lor1sdlctloD 01 court. the Court of Claims under this Act, appeals therefrom, and pay- ment of any J'udCYment therein shall be had as in the case of claims v 1 e~ 0•3~p.11M. over which such Coutt has jurisdiction under section 1~ of the u. 8. , ", ode, p.m. Judicial Code, as amended. Approved, May 28, 1928. May 28. 1828. OHAP. 86 I. -Joint Resolution Concerning lands and property deviled to the ~H.l. ReI. 77 .] Government of the United States of America by Wesley JOrda:n1 deoeaaed, late [p Y. BeI., No. 6J of the township of Richland, county of Fairfield and State of Olll0. , RfJ80lvea by tM Stmate and HOUBe of Rep'f'686ntative8 of eM UnJtea 'S~ of AmeriaJ in Oo-ngrtNlB (J88~ka, T!tat ~he ~J!ta.nce of the ~~I~cif Cler- deVise and bequest made by Wesle)1 Jordan m his laSt wIll and te8ta- ~ landl. , etc., de- ment to the Government of the United States of America and re- .