Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/720

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2396 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. lanuary 29, 1929. IS. Con. Res., No. 32 .) PERMIT TO NEW YORK C1.TY TO ENTER FEDERAL PROPERTY. Penni N Y k Resolved by the Senate (the House oj Representalives concurring» City to te!:'ter e;ed~~ Tha.t the President be requested to return to the Senate the Joint P~J;iOflOintreso- Resolution (S. J. Res. 171) entitled "Joint Resolution granting the lutlon rm.tlng to, re- consent of Congress to the city of New York to enter upon certain q~~t:,tP. 1153. United States property for the purpose of constructing a Rapid In/ra. Transit Railway." February I, 1929. [So Con. Res., No. 34 .] Passed, January 29, 1929. PERMIT TO NEW YORK CITY TO ENTER FEDERAL PROPERTY. Re80lved by the Senate (the House oj Representalives concurring), c.Permlt to N"FJor~ That the actlon of the Vice President and the Speaker of the House p:TarmstroBot (talk)y~ter era of Representa.tives in signing the enrolled joint resolution (S. J . Reenrollmentofjoint Res 171) granting' the consent of Congress to the city of New York resolution relating to,' •• ortred. to enter upon certam Umted States property for the pur.pose of con- .A,,~ap. 1153. structing a rapid-transit railway be rescinded, and that ill the reen- rollment of the said ioint resolution the Secretary of the Senl1.te be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to strike out the following language: "at a point on Wall Street in the city of New York on the southern boundary of the property belonging to the United States and occupied wholly or partly by the Subtreasury Building, said point lying either at the southwest comer of the Subtreasury Building or in a souther!y direction therefrom on a line in prolongation of the westerly wall of the Subtreasury Building and extending thence northerly along the westerly wall of the Subtreasury Building, or along a line in prolongation thereof, beginning". Passed, February 1, 1929. February 1,1929. TARIFF READJUSTMENT, 1929. tHo Con. Res., No.t8.I '&80lwl by the House oj Repre8entalive8 (the Senate concurring), Ig~arI1fReadjustment, That, in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the Printing conaouga::3 ~~. Act apPl'oved March 1, 19QiI the ComInittee on Ways and Means mvgl~'3i ~.lof2. . of the House of Representahves be, and is hereby, empowered to u. S, vode, p. UZ3. have .printed two thouslUld five hundred additional copies of the consolidated hearin~ held before the comInittee relative to "Tariff readjustment, 1929 daring the current session. February 4, 1929. [H.Con. Res., No. 46.) Passed, February 1, lQ29. YORKTOWN SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMISSION. Re80lved by the House oj Repre8entative8 (the Senate concurring), teTarmstroBot (talk)'tc00:23, 7 January 2012 (UTC)' That section 6 of the House concurrent resolution establishing the Ani. , P . 2394, amend. United States Yorktown Sesquicentennial ComInission be, and the ed. same is hereby, amended to read as follows: teiJ::ae for report ex- "SEC. 6 . That the commission shall on or before the 15th day of . December i 1929, make a report to the Congress in order that ena- bling legis ation may be enacted." Passed, February 4, 1929.