Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/757

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9,1926. 243R VOTOS DEL CONGRESS K Segundo Congreso Postal Paname- ricano recomienda a todos los parses que forman esta Uni6n: I. Que rstionen, en cuanto les fuere posible, e pronto establecimiento de un Rervicio de correo a.ereo, como medio eficaz para obtener un ripido inter- cambio de correspondencia, dando as! un paso mas en el acercaIDlento espiri- tual, que es uno de los fines de la Union Postal Panamericana. II. Que cOllStituyendo el s~rvicio de encomiendas postales un medio que facilita las relaciones comerciales entre los paises contratantes, Berra conve- niente derogar cuantos requisitos signi- fiquen unarestricci6n paralaefectividad de dicho servicio; y suprimir la.exigencia de facturas y visados consulares, as! como los certificados de origen para las encomiendas cuyo valor no exceda de 150 francos oro 0 su equivalente en d61ares. III. En vista de que los anuncios constituyeu un medio de divulgaci6n ntil y conveniente, que tiende a aumen- tar el conocimiento de los pueblos, el Congreso opina que los env{os de esa naturaleza deberlan ser transportados en el servicio postal internaclOnal sin estar sujetos a derechos aduaneros 0 a requisitos que tiendan a limitar sus fines. IV. Que las administraciones de la Uni6n Postal Panamericana creen, a series posibllb una Oficina de Informa- ci6n en la ~ede de las Centrales de Correos, can un sal6n de lectura en el cual se pondrlin a disposici6ndelpnbli- co, diarIos, revistas y publicaciones en general de los distintos pa{ses de la Uni6n, remitidos gratuitamen~ ya sea por los Gobiernos, Empresas Editoras a autores. M6xico, D. F., a 9 de Noviembre de 1926. RESOLUTIONS OF THE CONGRESS Resolutions 01 the Congress. The second Pan-Am~rican Postal Re~ommendations Congress recommends, to all the coun- subnutted. tries which fonns this Union: I. That they take steps, as far as Air· mail establish- possible, for the prompt establishment ment. of an air-mail service, as an effective means of obtaining a rapid exchange of correspondence, thus taking another step toward spiritual harmony, which is one of the auns of the Pan-American Postal Union. II. That, since the parcel-post serv- Modlflcatlon 01 pili' - ice constitutes a means which facilitates eel-post requirements. commercial relations among the con- tracting countries, it would be con- venient to abolish as many require- ments as signify a restriction for the effectiveness of the said service; and to abolish the requirement of consular invoices and visas, as well as certificates of origin for parcels whose value does not exceed 150 gold francs or their equivalent in dollars. III. In view of the fact that adver- Transporting a.dver- tisements constitute a useful and con- tlsements. venient means of spreading informa- tion which tends to increase the knowl- edge of the peoples, the Congress is of the opinion that articles of this kind should be transported in the interna- tional postal service without being subject to customs duties or require- ments which tend to limit their aims. IV. That the Administrations of the Creation or InIorma· Pan-American Postal Union should tlon Ofilces. create, if possible, an Infonnation Office in the Central Post Offices, with a J'P..&uing room in which will be placed, at the disposal of the public, news- papers, magazines, and publications in general of the various countries of the Union furnished gratuitously by the Governments, publishers or authors. Mexico, D. F ., November 9, 1926. POR EL CONGRESO: El Presidente: COSME HINOJOSA El Secretario General: RODOLFO BECERRA SOTO Secretario: JORGE WPEZ DE CARDENAS Secretario: LAURO M. CEBALLOS