Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/885

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INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21, 1926. 2561 disinfection shall be carned out and what shall be the methods adopted to secure the destruction of rats or insects (fleas.. lice, mos- quitos, et cetera). These operations must be performea. in such a fashion as to injure articles as little as possible. Clothes and other articles of smaIJ. value, including rags not carried in merchandise in Jarge quantities, ::& be destroyed by fire. It rests with State to settle questions of compensation for ~~DlatloD for damage caused by disinfection, deratisation or disinsectisation, or by the destruction of the things referred to above. If, on acCount of these measures, charges are levied by the sanitary BBDitary cbargea. authority either directly or indirectly through a company or an individu;J, the rates of these charges must be in accordance with a tariff made public beforehand and so drawn up that the State and the sanitary authority shall, on the whole, derive no profit from its appJication. ARTICLE 19. Letters and correspondence, printed matter, books, newspapers, e:. mnption of letters. business dQCuments, et cetera, shaH not be subject to any sarut&I7 measure. Post parcels shall be subjected to restriction only if theJl' ti;,,05t parceJs restrlc- contents include articles on which the measures provided by Article . 17 of the present Convention may be enforced. ARTICLE 20. When merchandise or baggage has been subjected to the operations BBDitar7 cwtUIcatM. prescribed in Article 17, any interested party can require the sanitary authorities to issue a free certificate showing the measures that have been taken. SECTION III. -Provi8ions rela:ting to emigrant8. EmlKfants. ARTICLE 21. The sanitary authorities in a country of emigration must subject .~~I:.'. J:=r~~' its emigrants to a medical examination before their departure. It is recommended that special arrangements be made between the countries of emigration, immigration and transit, with a view to laying down the conditions under which this examination shall be considered satisfactory by them, 80 that rejections on medical grounds at the frontier of the countries of transit and destination may be- reduced to a minimum. It is also recommended that these arrangements should determine what preventive measures against infectious diseases shall be applied to eID.lgrants in the country of departure. ARTICLE 22. It is recommended that, at the towns or -'ports of e~barkatio~ ~or ti:00:51, 7 January 2012 (UTC) emi~ants, there should be an. adequate health and samtary adminis- embarkatloD. tration having es-'pecially (1) a service for medical examination and treatment, as well as the necessBrf medical and prophylactic equip- ment; (2) an establishment supervised by the State where emigrants may be subjected to the he8.lth formiilities, temporarily housed1 and undeIJo all necessary medical examinations and have their fooo. and drinking supplies examinedi. (3) premises situated at the POI1 where medic8.l examinations shall be made at the time of the final embarkation.