Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/966

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2642 TREATY-LATVIA . A.Ptm. 20, 1928. of the foregoing privileges upon the same terms as nationals of the State of residence or as nationals of the nation hereafter to be most favored by it, submitting themselves to all local laws and regulations duly established. Equality of internal The nationals of either High Contracting Party within the terri- taxes, etc. tories of the other shall not be subjected to the payment of any in- ternal char~ or taxes other or higher than those that exacted of and paid by: its nationals. A~ to courts of The nationals of each Hi~h Contracting Party shall enjoy freedom JuetUle. of access to the courts of Justice of the other on conformmg to the local laws,: as well for, the ,Prosecution as for the defense of their rigllts, and in all degrees of Jurisdiction established by law. so!'sro:dtTarmstroBot (talk)y per· The nationals of each High Contracting Party shall receive within . the territories of the other, upon submitting to conditions imposed upon its nationals, the most constant protection and security for their persons and property, and shall enjoy in this respect that de- gree of protection that IS required by international law. Their property' Shall not be taken without due process of law and without payment of just compensation. Immigration \aft Nothing contained in this Treaty s1;tall be construed to affect exist- not affected. ing statutes of either of the High Contracting Parties in relation to the immigration, admission or sojourn of aliens or the right of either of the High Contracting Parties to enact such statutes. ARTICLE II. . Applicatlon f!r laws With respect to that form of protection ~anted by National, gIVID civil lIabilit for • • •••• • •• • • • InJur!s,etc Y State or PrOVInCIal laws establishing CIvIl Iia I11ty for mJUfles or for death, and wving to relati'Ves or heirs or dep6!1dents of an in- jured party a rIght of action or a ~cuniary banefitl such relatives or heirs or d~endents of the injured party, himselt a national of either of the High Contracting Parties and within any of the terri- tories of the other, shall regardless of their alienage or residence outside of the terntory where the injury occurred, enjoy the same rights and privileges as are or may be granted to natIonals, and under like conditions.


b D.Wel1\ngl1i p~ ~ The dwellings, warehouses, manufactories, shops, and other :places r:~. eo., 0 of business, and all premises thereto appertaining of the natIOnals Ante, p. 200 . of each of the High Contracting Parties in the territories of the othet, used for any purposes set forth in Article I, shall be respected. It shall not be allowable to make a domiciliary visit to, or search of, any such buildings and premises, or there to examine and inspect books, papers or accounts, except under the conditions and in con- formity with the forms prescribed by the laws, ordinances and regulations for nationals. ARTICLE IV. Term Bll,?wed for Where, on the death of any person holdin~ real or other im- sale of inherited 0 •• •• •• erty. pr po movable property or mterests therem wlthm t e terrItorIes of one High Contracting Party, such property or interests therein would by the laws of the country or by a testamentary disposition, descend or pass to a national of the other High Contracting Party, whether reSIdent or non-resident, were he not disqualified by the laws of the country where such property or interests therein is or are situated, such national shall be allowed a term of three years in which to sell the same which term may be reasonably prolonged if circumstances render it necessary and withdraw the proceeds thereof, without re-