Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/984

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2660 CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEMBER 18, 1927. dinarias e em sacos diferentes um in sep<!rate sacks from each other, do outro; os rotulos dos sacos and the labels of sacks containing contendo encomendas registadas registered or insured parcels shall ou encomend&s com valores decIa-be marked with such distinctive rados seriio marcados com sinais symbols as may from time to time distintos que forem combinados be agreed upon. de tempos a tempos. Billing of parcels. VII. MANEIRA DE FACTURAR EN - COMENDAS. Parcel bllle. 1. As encomendas ordinarias incluidas em cada expediQao serao indicadas numa guia de en- comendas por uma simples in- scriQao do seu nUI!lero total. ~~aratebillsforeach 2. As encomendas ordinarias, registadas e as com valor decla- rado serao inscritas em guias de encomendas separadas, devendo as encomendas registadas e a3 en- comendas com valores declarados ser facturadas individualmente. As inscriQOes indicariio em re- la<;iio a cada encomenda registada e cada encomenda com valor de- clarado, 0 numero de registo ou Returned parcels. de se~ro, conforme 0 caso, 0 cor- reio (e estado ou paiz) de origem e 0 correio de destino. 3. A inscriQii.o de qualquer en- comenda devolvida, feita na guia, deve ser seguida da palavra " Re- turned" (Devolvida). pa=TarmstroBot (talk).bY des· 4. Cada correio expedidor de permutaQao numerara as guias de en~omendas no canto superior esquerdo, comeQ:mdo em cada ano com nova numeraQii.o para cada correio de permutaQii.o de destino. o ultimo numero do ano sera in- dicado na guia de encomendas da primeira expediQao do ano se- guinte. Articles in transit. 5. 0 metodo exacto de comuni- car a expediQiio de encomendas, ou de receptaculos que as conte- nham, enviados por uma Adminis- traQao em transi~o, por outra 13 os detalhes de processo dessa comu- nicaQa.o, para os quais nao estiio estabelecidas disposiQoes especiais nesta ConvenQiio seriio regulados por mutuo acordo e por corres- pondencia entre as duas Adminis- tra<;Oes. VII. BILLING OF PARCELS. 1. The ordinary (unregistered and uninsured) parcels included in each despatch shall be advised on a parcel bill by the simple entry of their total number. 2. Ordinary, registered, and in- sured parcels shall each be en- tered on separate parcel bills and the registered and insured par- cels shall be listed individually. The entries shall show in respect to each registered and insured parcel, the registration or insur- ance number, as the caSe may be, the office (and state or country) of origin, and the office of destina- tion. 3. The entry on the bill of any returned parcel must be followed by the word" Returned." . 4. Each despatching office of exchange shall number the parcel bills in the upper left-hand cor- ner, commencmg each year a fresh series for each office of ex- change of destination. The last number of the year shall be shown on the parcel bill of the first despatch of the following year. 5. The exact method of advis- ing parcels or the receptacles containin~ them sent by one Ad- ministratIon in transit through the other together with any de- tails of procedure in connection with the advice of such parcels or reeeptacles for which provi- sion is not made in this Conven- tion shall be settled by mutual agreement through correspond- ence between the two Adminis- trations.