Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1011

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968 Mis cel lane ous . Schools for tubercu- lar pupils. Transporting tuber- cular and crippled pup ils . Pro tnso. Car fares, etc ., al- lowed . Manu al, etc ., train- ing expenses. Fuel, light, and power. Furniture, etc. For designated school buildings . Available until June B0, 1932 . For completely furnishi ng and equipping buildings and additions to buildings, as follows : Buc han an Sc hoo l, fo ur -ro om ad dit ion , including combination assembly hall and gymnasium, $7,000 ; Eaton School, combinati on assemb ly hall an d gymnasiu m, $2,900 ; E l io t Junior High School, in vicinity of the Kingsman, $42,700 ; Park View School, addition . $12,400 ; in all, $65,000, to be immediately available and to continue available until June 30, 1932 . Contingent expenses, flags, etc . F or con tinge nt exp enses , inc luding furn iture and r epair s of s ame, stationery, ice, United States flags, paper towels, and other necessary items not otherwise provided for, and including not exceeding $3,000 for books of reference and periodicals, not exceeeding $1,500 for replacement of pianos at an average cost of not to exceed $300 each, not exceeeding $45,000 for equipment and repair of equipment at Central and Dunba r High Sc hools, and not excee ding $5,0 00 for Proviso.

I No bond for Army labor, $200,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That a bond supplies to cadets . shall not be required on account of military supplies or equipment issued by the War Department for military instruction and practice by the students of high schools in the District of Columbia . No money appropriated in this Act for the purchase of furniture and equipment for the public schools of the District of Columbia shall be expended unless the requisitions of the Board of Education therefor shall be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or by the Purchasing Officer and the Auditor for the District of Columbia acting for the Commissioners . For textbooks and school supplies for use of pupils of the first eight grades and for the necessary expenses of purchase, distribution, and p reserv ation of s aid te xtboo ks an d supp lies, inclu ding neces sary labor not to exceed $1,000, $125,000, to be i mmediately available : Changes authorized . Provided, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, in their discretion, are authorized to exchange any badly damaged book for a new one, the new one to be similar in text to the old one when it was new. For an additional amount for textbooks and other educational books and supplies, as authorized by the Act of January 31, 1930 (Public, No . 41, 71st Cong .), including not to exceed $4,500 for per- sonal services, $235,500, to be immediately available. For maintenance of kindergartens, $7,000 . For utensils, material, and labor, for establishment and mainte- nance of school gardens, $3,000 . Purchases subject to app roval of commis- sioners . Supplies to pupils . Pro°iso . Additional, for books Brid supplies . An te, p. B2. Kindergartens. School gardens . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cir. 848 . 1930 . or ungrad ed cl asses, for which servi ce an amoun t not to e xceed $120 per annum may be allowed, $786,890 . MISCELLANEOUS For the maintenance of schools for tubercular pupils, $7,000 . For expenses of operating schools for crippled pupils, including personal services, $2,400 ; equipment, $10,000 ; and maintenance, $4,000 ; in all, $16,400 . For transportation for pupils attending schools for tubercular pupils, and for pupils attending schools for crippled pupils, $19,000 : Provided, That expenditures for street-car and bus fares from this fund shall not be subject to the general limitations on the use of street-car and bus fares covered by this Act . F or pur chase and r epair of f urnitu re, t ools, machi nery, mater ial, and books, and apparatus to be used in connection with instruction in m anual and v ocati onal t raini ng, an d inc ident al exp enses conne cted therewith, $90,000, to be immediately available . For fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $295,000 . FURNITURE