Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1037

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994 Balance covered into Treasury . Vol. 45, p.617 . Disbursement by Di- rector . To vetera n, upon recovery, etc. Pr ovises Restric tion on pay- ment to representative. Funds unused at ve ter ans dea th, sha ll escheat to United States, if under State laws, would escheat to State . Redeposit . Vol. 43, p. 615 . Vol. 45, p. 965. U.S. C., p. 1219; Supp. IV, p . 530. Post, p. 1016. No recovery of pay- ments from person, if without faul t . Li ability of disburs- ing officer waived . Reimbursement of in- surance fund for pay- ments made. Effe ctive date . Vol. 45, p.615. U.S. C.,p. 1219. Inspection of bureau records . New sections added . Undelivered checks . SEVEN TY-FIR ST CON GRESS . SEss . II. Ca. 849 . 1930 . incompetent veteran, may be apportioned to the dependent or dependents, if any, of such veteran . Any part not so paid and any funds of a mentally incompetent or insane veteran not paid to the chief officer of the institution in which such veteran is an inmate nor apportioned to his dependent or dependents under the provisions of section 202 (7) of this Act may be ordered held in the Treasury to the credit of such beneficiary . All funds so held shall be disbursed under the order and in the discretion of the director for the benefit of such veteran or his dependents . Any bala nce remaining in such fund to the credit of any veteran may be paid to him if he recovers and is found competent, or otherwise to his guar dia n, c urat or, or con- servator, or, in the event of his death, to his personal representative, except as provided in section 26 of this Act : Provided, That payment will not be made to his personal representative if, under the law of the State of his last legal residence, his estate would escheat to the S ta te : Pro vided furth er, That any funds in the hands of a guardian, curator, conservator, or person legally vested with the care of the veteran or his estate, derived from compensation, automatic or term insurance payable under said Acts, which under the law of the State wherein the veteran had his last legal residence would escheat to the State, shall escheat to the United States and shall be returned b y such guardian, curator, conservator, or person legally vested with the care of the veteran or his estate, less legal expenses of any ad minis trati on ne cessa ry to dete rmine that an e schea t is in or der, to the bureau, and shall be deposited to the credit of the current appro- priations provided for payment of compensation and insurance ." SEC. 6. That section 28 of the Worl d War Veteran s' Act, 1924, as am ended (sectio n 453, tit le 38 , Unit ed States Code ), be hereby amended to read as follows " SEC. 28. There shall be no recovery of payments from any person who, in the judgment of the director, is without fault on his part and w here, in the judgment of th e director, s uch recovery would defea t the purpose of benefits o therwise auth orized or wou ld be against equity and good conscience . No disbursing officer shall be held liable for any amount paid by him to any person where the recovery of such amount is waived under this section . " When under the provisions of this section the recovery of a pay- ment made from the United States Government l ife insurance fund is waived, the United States Government life insurance fund shall be reimbursed for the amount involved from the current appropria- tion for military and naval insurance . " This section, as amended, shall be deemed to be in effect as of June 7, 1924 ." SEC. 7. T hat section 3 0 of the Worl d War Veterans ' Act, 1924, as amended (section 456, title 38, United States Code), be hereby amended b adding thereto a new subdivision to be known as sub- division (e)', and to read as follows : I I& The director may authorize an inspection of bureau records by duly auth orize d rep resen tativ es of the organ izati ons d esign ated in or approved by him under section 500 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe ." SEC. S. That a new section be added to Title I of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, to be known as section 37, and to re ad as foll ows " SEC . 37. Checks properly issued to beneficiaries and undelivered for any reason shall be retained in the files of the bureau until such time as delivery may be accomplished, or, until three full fiscal years have elapsed after the end of the fiscal year in which issued ."