Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1062

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . II . CHs. 866, 873, 874 . 1930 . 10 19 CHAP. 86 6 . -Joint Resolut ion Mak ing ap propria tions f or the pay of pag es for the Senate and House of Representatives until the end of the second session of the Seventy-first Congress . Res olv ed by the Senate and House of Repr esen tati ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That such sums as may be necessary are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the pay of twenty-one pages for the Senate Chamber and forty-one pages for the House of Representatives at $4 per day each from July 1, 1930, to the end of the second session of the Seventy-first Congress . July 3, 1930. [H. J. Res. 389.] [Pub . Res., No . 10'5 .] Pages . Appropriation f o r pay of, Senate and House of I :epresPntn- tic es . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 4 De pa rt pe tofLaer . of the Act entitled "An Act to create a Department of Labor," ed.. approved March 4, 1913, is amended by adding at the end thereof u .S.C.,p.61. the fol lowi ng new para gra ph "The Bureau of Labor Statistics shall also collect, collate, Bureau of Labor Sta- report, and publish at least once each month full and complete ti S ta isties of em ploy- statistics of the volume of and changes in employment as indicated menc, ages paid, et, in the Federal Govern- by the number of persons employed, the total wages paid, and the meat, States and speci- fied industries to be total hours of employment, in the service of the Federal Govern- published by . ment, th e States and poli tical su bdivison s thereof , and in the foll ow- ing industries and their principal branches : (1) Manufacturing ; (2) mining, quarrying, and crude petroleum production ; (3) build- ing c onstr uctio n ; (4) agriculture and lu mbering ; (5) trans porta - tion, communication, and other public utilities ; (6) the retail and wholesale trades ; and such other industries as the Secretary of Labor may deem it in the public interest to include . Such statistics Report of statistics . shall be reporte d for all such in dustries and thei r princi pal branc hes throughout the United States and also by States and/or Federal reser ve di stric ts an d by such small er ge ograp hical subd ivisi ons a s the said Secretary may from time to time prescribe . The said Collection of . Secretary is authorized to arrange with any Federal, State, or municipal bureau or other governmental agency for the collection of such statistics in such manner as he may deem satisfactory, and may assign special agents of the Department of Labor to any such bureau or agency to assist in such collection ." Approved, July 7, 1930 . July 8, 1930. CHAP . 874 .-An Act To ame nd section 8 of the Act en tit led "An Act for [H. R.730.] preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded [Public . No . 538 .] or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein and for other purposes," approved Julie 30, 1906, as amended . Be it e nacted by the S enate a nd House of Representatives of the Pure Food Act . United States o f America in Cong ress ass embled, That section S of vol . 34, p. 77 0, the Act of June 30, 1906, entitled "An Act for preventing the manu- a Leaded . p62. facture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or Canned goods. poisonou s or del eterious foods, d rugs, me dicines, and liqu ors, and for regul ating traf fic t herei n, an d for othe r pur poses ," as amen ded, is amend ed by addi ng at the end t hereo f the foll owing " Fifth . If it be canned food and falls below the standard of qual- fi Adulterations de- ity, con dition, and/or fi ll of co ntainer, promulga ted by t he Secret ary st naa ed gff o odloco of Agriculture for such canned food and its package or label does not Approved, July 3, 1930 . July 7, 1930 . CHAP. 873 .-An Act To amend section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to [S. 3061.] create a Depar tment of Labo r," app roved M arch 4, 1913 . [Public, No . 537 .]