Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1068

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1025 seconds, east two thousand two hundred and forty-one and fifty- tie Description- one-hundredths feet, to the exterior line of the water grant to George W. Vanderbilt by the State of New York on September 4, 1888, recorded in book of patents numbered 44, page 323 ; thence (6) still along the exterior line of the above water grant south twenty- nine degrees fifteen minutes eight seconds, west forty and eighty- seven one-hundredths feet ; thence (7) along the southwesterly line of the above water grant, north fifty-seven degrees thirteen minutes twenty-four seconds, west five hundred and forty-five and fifty- eight one-hundredths feet, to the mean high-water line as the same existed in October, 1918 ; thence (8) along the above-mentioned mean high-water line, south twenty-five degrees fifty minutes fifteen s econds , wes t seve nty-t wo on e-hund redth s foo t, to the n orthea sterl y line of New Dorp Lane as dedicated and in use ; thence along the northeasterly line of New Dorp Lane as dedicated and in use the following fourteen courses : (9) north fifty-six degrees twenty-four minutes, west one hundred and fifty and fifty-two one-hundredths feet ; thence (10) north fifty-seven degrees twenty-nine minutes t hirty seco nds, w est f our h undred and fourte een a nd fo rty-fi ve on e- hundredths feet ; thence (11) north fifty-seven degrees seven minutes fifty-six seconds, west four hundred feet ; thence (12) north fifty- eight degrees seventeen minutes thirty-five seconds, west two hundred and five one-hundredths feet ; thence (13) north fifty-seven degrees se venteen minutes fifteen seconds, west nine hundred feet ; t he n ce (14) north fifty-six degrees forty minutes forty seconds, west three hundred and one one-hundredths feet ; thence (15) north fifty-six degrees fifty-two minutes four seconds, west three hundred feet ; thence (16) north fifty-six degrees fifty-six minutes forty seconds, west four hundred and one one-hundredths feet, thence (17) north fifty-seven degrees twenty-eight minutes fifty-two seconds, west three hundred and sixty-nine and nineteen one-hundredths feet ; thence (18) north sixty degrees forty-five minutes ten seconds, west two hundred and thirty-one and twenty-seven one-hundredths feet ; then ce (19) no rth six ty-o ne degr ees one min ute ten se cond s, west eighty-four and eighty-nine one-hundredths feet ; thence (20) north sixty-one degrees forty-seven minutes twenty seconds, west one hun- dred and five and fifty-seven one-hundredths feet ; thence (21) north fi fty-four degrees fifty-nine minutes forty-one seconds, west one hundred and thirteen and sixty-two one-hundredths feet ; thence (22) still along the northeasterly line of New Dorp Lane as dedi- cated and in use north fifty-four degrees twenty-two minutes eight secon ds, we st si x hun dred a nd ni nety- three and s ixty o ne-hu ndred ths feet ; to the westerly corner of property conveyed by the Vanderbilt estate to the United States of America by deed dated March 12, 1919, and recorded in Richmond County clerk's office in liber numbered 491, page 34 ; thence (23) along the northeasterly line of the above- mentioned property north thirty-seven degrees fifty minutes twelve seconds, east twenty-one and sixty-eight one-hundredths feet, to the point or place of beginning, containing three and one hundred and ninety-three one-thousandths acres of upland and four hundred and ninety-eight one-thousandths acres of land under water- are hereby granted and conveyed to the city of New York, its suc- cessors or assigns, forever . SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect immediately .

Effective immedi . Approved, December 8, 1930 .

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