Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1078

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1035 CHAP . 25 .-An Act Gran ting the consent of Congress to the Louisiana Ja nuary 12, 1931 . Highway Commission, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway [H. R . 131 30 .] bridge across the Bogue Chitto River between Sun and Bush, Saint Tammany [Public, No . 553 .] Parish, Louisiana . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled, That the consent Rogue Chitto River . of Con gress is her eby g ranted to th e Loui siana ighwa y Comm is- br Lo ge, t between Sun sion to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge and and Bush . approaches thereto across the Bogue Chitto River, at a point suitable Construction . to the inter ests of navig ation, betwee n Sun and Bush , Louisiana, Vol. 34, p .54 . in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906 . SEC. 2. The right to alt er, amend, or repeal this A ct is hereby Amendment . expressly reserved . Approved, January 12, 1931 . January 12, 1931 CHAP. 26 .-An Act To extend the time for completing the construction of

[H. R. 14446 ] a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the city of Prairie du Chien,

[Public, No. 554.] Wisconsin . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativ es of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the time for Mississippi River. Time extend ed for completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River, bridging,_ at Prairie du at or near the city of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, authorized to be Chien, W is . built by J. H. Peacock? F. G. Bell, S. V. Taylor, E. C. Amann, and C . E . Ferris, their heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, by an am oll. 45, p . 1 99, Act of Congress approved March 7, 192 8, is hereby extended one year from March 7, 1931 . SEC . 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment . expressly reserved. Ap proved , Janu ary 12, 1931 . Jan uary 13, 1931 . CHAP. 27 .-An Act To au thori ze the Po stmas ter Gener al to iss ue addi- [5 .323.] tional receipts or certificates of mailing to senders of certain classes of mail

[Public, No. 5.5.51 matter and to fix the fee s chargeable therefor . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o America in Congress assembled, That the Post- Postal service . f


Fee allowed for issue master General is authorized to charge a fee, under such regulations of additional certifi . cates of mailing, etc . as he may prescribe, for the issuance to the sender of ordinary mail, vol . 45, p. 1175, and of registered, insured, and collect-on-delivery mail, a receipt or amended . certificate showing such mailing . Approved, January 13, 1931 . Ja nuary 14, 1931 . CHAP . 28 .-An Act To authorize a preliminary examination of the Fox [H. R. 11201.1 River, Wiscon sin, for the purpose of flood control .

[Public, No .6. 161 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativ es of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Fox River . of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a pre- a Ed >coniro~n of, for liminary examination to be made of the Fox River, Wisconsin, with iced. a view to the control of floods in accordance with the provision of an Act entitled "An Act to p rovide for co ntrol of the f loods of the Mississippi River and the Sacramento River, California, and for other purposes," approved March 1, 1917, the cost thereof to be paid Vol 39, p . 949. from appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for examinations, Funds available . surveys, and contingencies of rivers and harbors . Approved, January 14, 1931 .