Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1205

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February 14, 1931 . [H. J . Res. 299.] [Pub . Res. No. 118.] Wat er bou nda ry, United States and Mexico . Additional sum for e xpenses of, authorized . Post, p . 1579 . Pri nting, etc . February 16, 1931 .

[H. R . 252.] [Publi c, No . 668 .1 Dep c ultu re t art ment of Agr i- Subsistence, etc., to be furni shed employ ees oAlaska . fDn eductions. 1162 SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . CHs . 188-190,200 . 1931 . and also the right to provide facilities of any nature - whatsoever requi red for th e care and accommoda tion of vi sitors to the monume nt . Approved, February 14, 1931 . CHAP. 18 9 .- Join t R esol utio n T o provide an annual appropriation t o meet the quota of the United States toward the expenses of the International Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the International Tech- nical Committee of United States o f America in Congress assembled, That a sum not Aerial Legal Experts . to exceed $250 is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually to Annual a pprop ria- tion authorized .

meet the share of the United States of the expenses of the Inter- Post, p . 1580 .

national Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts, beginning with the year 1930 . Approved, February 14, 1931 . February 14, 1931 . [H.J. Res. 462.]

CHAP . 190.-Joint Resolution To further provide for defraying the expenses [Pub . Res. No. 119 .] of the International Water Commission, United States and Mexico . Resolved by the Senate and House of Re present atives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, in addition to amounts here- tofore authorized to be appropriated, the sum of $287,000 to defray the expenses of the International Water Commission, United States and Mexi co, in con tinuing it s study, i n cooperat ion with r epresenta- tives of Mexico, regarding the equitable use of the waters of the lower Rio Grande and lower Colorado Rivers and, with the concur- rence of Mexico, of the Tia Juana Rive r, for the purpose o f securing information on which to base a treaty with the Government of Mexico relative to the use of the waters of these rivers, including Services, a etc . etc ., in the District, salaries in the Dis trict of Co lumbia and elsewhere, fees for profes- sional services at rates and in amounts to be determined by the Secre- tary of State; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; travel expenses, including transportation of effects; subsistence or per diem in lieu of subsistence notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act; printing and binding; subscriptions to foreign and domestic vehicles . newspapers and periodicals; purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, Dam sites .

and operation of motor-propelled, passenger and freight carrying Advertising, R. S., see. 3709, p. vehicles; drillin g and t esting of dam sites b y contr act if deemed 733, waived. necessary without r egard to se ction 3709 of the Re vised Stat utes (U . U. S. C.p. 1309. y Proviso . S. C., title 41, sec. 5); equipment, and such other miscellaneous Contribution by expense as the Secretary of State may deem proper : Provided, That M exico .

any m oneys cont ribute d by or re ceive d from the Unite d Mex ican States for the purpose of cooperating or assisting in this work, shall be available for expenditure in connection with this appropriation . Approved, February 14, 1931 . CHAP. 200 .-An Act To facilitate work of the Department of Agriculture in the Territory of Alaska . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Agriculture be, and he is hereby, authorized to furnish subsistence to employees of the United States Department of Agriculture in the Territ ory of Alaska, and to purcha se pers onal eq uipment and su p-