Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1250

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cu. 276. 1931 .

1207 CHAP. 276 .-An Act For the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compensation therefor . February 23, 1931 . [H. R. 9110.] [Public, No. 715 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and (louse o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the clerks in Foreign m trvi ce. of the Foreign Service of the United States of America shall be graded clerks. and classified as follows, and shall receive, within the limitation of such appropriations as the Congress may make, the basic compensa- tions specified Senior clerks . Class 1, $4,000 ; class 2, $3,750 ; class 3, $3,500 ; class Senior clerks . 4, $3,250 ; class i, $3,000 . Junior clerks . Class 1, $2,750 ; class 2, $2,500 ; class 3, all clerks Juniorolerks . whose compensation as fixed by the Secretary of State is less than $2,500 per annum . SEC . 2. Appointments to the grade of senior clerks and advance- nppoi Dtment, ad- ment from class to class in that grade shall hereafter be by promo- tion for efficient service, and no one shall be promoted to the grade of senior clerk who is not an American citizen and has not served Citizenship, etc ., re- as a clerk in a diplomatic mission or a consulate, or both, or as a clerk quire ment , in the Department of State for at least five years . Addit iona l co mpen- SEC . 3. That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized, at posts sation to meet excessive where i n his judgme nt it is req uired by the public inter ests f or the costs of living at certain purpose of meeting the unusual or excessive costs of living ascertained posts , aut hori zed . by him to exist, to grant compensation to clerks assigned there in additio n to t he bas ic rat es her ein sp ecified , with in suc h appr opria- tions as Congress may make for such purpose : Provided, however, Report R . Report to Con gress . That all such additional compensation with the reasons therefor shall be reported to Congress with the annual Budget . Citizenship require- SEC . 4. No clerk who is not an American citizen shall hereafter be merit, clerk in diplo- appoint ed to serve in a d iploma tic mi ssion .

matic mission . SEC . 5 . The President is hereby authorized to prescribe regulations for the administration of the foregoing provisions . SEC. 6 . Section 5 of the Act of April 5, 1906, entitled "An Act to pee led 34, p . 101, re- provide for the reorganization of the Consular Service " (United u. S. C.,p. 646. States Code, page 646, section 57), is hereby repealed .

Vol . 43, p. 1 40, SEC. 7. That the Act (Public Numbered 135, Sixty-eighth Con- amended . gress) approved May 24, 1924, entitled "An Act for the reorganiza- u. S. C.,p. 641. tion and improvement of the Foreign Service of the United States, and for other purpo ses," be, an d the same is hereb y, ame nded t o read as foll ows :

Diplomatic and Con- " SEC. 8 . That here afte r the Dipl omati c an d Con sular Ser vice of sular Servi ce to be the United States shall be known as the Foreign Service of the Service, etc .he Foreign United States . " SEC. 9 . That the official designation 'Foreign Service officers,' as "Foreign ser vic e oSicers " construed . employed throughout this Act, shall be deemed to denote permanent officers in the Foreign Service below the grade of minister, all of whom are subject to promotion on merit and who may be appointed post, p. 12o 9. t o either diplomatic or consular positions or assigned to serve in the Departmen t of Stat e subject to secti on 21 of this Act, at the d iscretion of the Presid ent .

Classificatio n, etc ., of " SEC. 10 . That the officers in the Foreign Service shall hereafter officers. be graded and classified as follows with the salaries of each class herein affixed thereto, except as increases in salaries are authorized Post, p .1215 . in section 33 of this Act, but not exceeding in number for each class a propor tion of t he total number of officer s in the service r epresente d in the following percentage limitations ~~

Amb ass ad ors and Ambassadors and ministers as now or hereafter provided

For- minlsters. eign Service officers as follows : Class 1, 6 per centum, $9,000 to Foreign Service offi- $10,000 ; class 2, 7 per centum, $8,000 to $8,900 ; class 3, 8 per centum,