Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1272

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1229 of persons detained in hospitals of the Public Health Service under the immigration laws and regulations shall be covered into the Treasury a s miscellaneous receipts : P ro vi d ed f ur th e r, That no part Uses forbidden . of this sum sh all be used for the quarantin e service, the prevention of epidemi cs, or scientific work of the character provided for under the appropriations which follow . All sums received by the Public Health Service during the fiscal Disposal of receipts year 1932, ex cept all otments and reimb ursement s on acc ount of patients o f the Veterans' Administratio n, allotments and reimburse- ments on account of medical and other services to the Federal penal and correctional institutions of the Department of Justice, under the

273 . provisions of the Act approved May 13, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 273), and u.k. p. Supp . IV, amounts received under the provisions of sections 9 and 12 of the P 305. Act approved January 19,, 1929 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 21, sets . 229, 232), shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts . Quarantine service. Quarantine service : For maintenance and ordinary expenses, exclu- sive of pay of officers and employees, of United States quarantine stations, including the exchange, maint enance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and including not exceeding $3,500 for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles (at a cost not to exceed $1,000 each, including the value of any vehicle exchanged except for ambulances), $617,150 .

Pre vention of epi- Prevention of epidemics : To enable the President, in case only demics. of threatened or actual epidemic of infectious or contagious disease, to ai d State and l ocal boards o r otherwise in his discre tion, in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same, and in such emergency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in force, $400,000, including the purchase of newspapers and clipp ings from new spapers conta ining inform ation relatin g to the prevalence of disease and the public health .

Field investigations. Field investigations : For investi gations of d iseases of ma n and conditions influencing the propagation and spread thereof, includ- ing sanitation and sewage, and the pollution of navigable streams and lakes of the United States, including personal service, and including the maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-pro- pelle d passenger-c arrying vehic les, and not exceeding $2 ,400 for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles (at a cos t not to exce ed $800 each, including th e value of a ny vehicle exchanged), $414,700 . Interstate quarantine service : For cooperation with State and seTV Ce atequarantins municipal health authorities in the pre vention of the spread of con- tagious and infectious diseases in interstate traffic, $68,040 . Rural sanitation : For special studies of, and demonstration work Rural sanitation. in, rural sanitation, including personal services, and including not to exceed $5,000 for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-p ropelled passenger-carrying v ehicles, $338,000 : Provided, oc § aal§ contributions . Tha t no part of this appropri ation shall b e available for demon- strati on work in rural sanitation i n any community unless the St ate, cou nty, or munic ipality in wh ich the commu nity is loca ted agrees to pay one-half the expenses of such demonstration work . Biologic products : To regulate the propagation and sale of viruses, Biologic products . Regulating sa le of serums, toxins, and analogous products, including arsphenamine, and viruses, etc . for the preparation of curative and diagnostic biologic products, including personal services of reserve commissioned officers and other person nel, $46,620 . For the maintenance and expenses of the Division of Venereal Venereal Diseases Diseases, established by sections 3 and 4, Chapter XV, of the Act Division . approved July 9, 1918 (U . S . C., title 42, sets . 24, 25), including per- Vols4, pp iris . sonal and other services in the field and in the District of Columbia,