Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1299

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1256 Pecan experiment station . Phony pe ach eradi- ca tion . Investigations, etc . Subj ect to equal co n- trib utions from Sta tes, etc . Pro vis o . No pay for trees, etc., injured or destroyed. Experimental gar- dens and grounds, D . C . Arlington, Va ., ex- perimental farm, etc . Vol . 31, p. 135. Proviso . Cost limitation not applicable. Foreign se ed and plant introduction . Forag e crops and dis - eases . New and rare seeds, etc . Biophysical investi- gations . National Arboretum . Administration, etc. Vol. 44, p. 1422. U .S.C ., Supp . IV, p.297. Employment of land- scape archit ects. SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 278. 1931 . utilizing these products, and for studies of the physiological and related changes of such products during processes of marketing and while in commercial storage, $1,420,360, of which $15,000 shall be available toward the establishment, including the erection of build- ings, of a pecan experiment station in the middle eastern Mississippi region when the State of Mississippi and,/or other local cooperating agency shall have deeded to the Government 100 acres of land acceptable to the Secretary of Agriculture for such purpose . Phony peach eradication : For conducting such investigations of the nature and means of comm unicatio n of the disease of peach trees known as phony peach, and for applying such methods of eradica- tion or control of the disease as in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture may be necessary, including the payment of such expenses and the employment of such persons and means, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations of growers, or individuals, as he may deem nece ssary to accom plish suc h pur poses , $8 5,000 , and , in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, no expenditures shall be made for these purposes until a sum or sums at least equal to su ch expen ditures s hall hav e been a ppropria ted, sub scribed, or con- tributed, by State, county, or local authorities, or by individuals or o rgani zatio ns f or th e acc ompl ishme nt of suc h pur poses : Provided, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees or other property injured or destroyed . Gardens and grounds : To cultivate and care for the gardens and grounds of the Department of Agriculture in the city of Washington, including the upkeep and lighting of the grounds and the construc- tion, surfacing, and repairing of roadways and walks

and to erect,

manage, and maintain conservatories, greenhouses, and plant and fruit propagating houses on the grounds of the Department of Agri- culture in the city of Washington, $98,120 . Arlington Farm : For continuing the necessary improvements to establish and maintain a general experiment farm and agricultural station on the Arlington estate, in the State of Virginia, in accord- ance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved April 18, 1 900 (31 Stat ., pp. 135, 136), $60,600 : Provided, That the limitations in this Act as to the cost of farm buildings shall not apply to this paragraph . Foreign plant in troductio n : For investigations in foreign seed and plant introduction, including the study, collection, purchase, testing, propagation, and distribution of rare and valu able seeds, bulbs, trees, shr ubs, vin es, cutti ngs, and plants from for eign coun tries an d from our possessions, and for experiments with reference to their intro- duction and cultivation in this country, $228,140 . Forage crops and diseases : For the purchase, propagation, testing, and distribution of new and rare seeds ; for the investigation and improvement of grasses, alfalfa, clover, and other forage crops, including the investigation and control of diseases, $279,375 . Biophysical laboratory : For biophysical investigations in connec- tion with the various lines of work herein authorized, $36,420 . Operation of National Arboretum : For the maintenance of the national arboretum established under the provisions of the Act entitled " An Act authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to estab- lish a national arboretum, and for other purposes," approved March 4, 1927 (U. S. C., Supp. III, title 20, sees. 191-194), including the ere ction of building s, salar ies in t he city of Washin gton and else- wh ere, trav eling expe nses of e mploy ees and a dviso ry c ounci l, an d other necessary expenses, $30,000, of which not to exceed $5,000 may be expended by contr act or o therwise for the services of cons ulting