Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1330

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Ca. 279. 1931 .

1287 and framing for tents, rental of buildings, including not to exceed Rentals, etc • $900 in the District of Columbia, provided space is not available in Government-owned buildings, and grounds for military purposes and lodgings for recruits and applicants f or enlistments water supply , w ater

roads, sewer and fire-alarm systems, fire apparatus, roads, walks, wharves, wharves, etc . drainage, dredging channels, purchase of water, disposal of sewage, shooting galleries, ranges for small-arms target practice, field, mobile, Shooting galleries, and railway artillery practice, including flour for paste for marking ran ges, etc . targets, such ranges and galleries to be open as far as practicable to the National Guard and organized rifle clubs under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, for furnishing heat and light for Heat and li ght to the authorized allowance of quarters for officers, enlisted men, and quarters, etc . warrant officers, including retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, contract surgeons when stationed at and occupying public quar- ters a t milit ary po sts, of ficers of the Nation al Guar d atte nding s ervice and garrison schools, and for recruits, guards, hospitals, storehouses, offices, the buildings erected at private cost, in the operation of the Recreation buildings . Act approved May 31, 1902 (U . S . C ., title 10, sec . 1346), and build- usd ., p.2i9. ings for a similar purpose on military reservations authorized by War Department regulations ; for sale of fuel to officers ; fuel and engine supplies required in the operation of modern batteries at established posts, $15,865,913, of which $1,414,292 shall be available immediately Provided, That not more than $16,000 of the appropriations contained Pre vis es . in this Act shall be available for rent of offices outside the District of Outside rent . Colum bia in conne ction with work i nciden t to the as suranc e of adequate provision for the mobilization of materiel and industrial organizations essential to war-time needs : Provided further, That at Rentals for military this appropriation shall be available for the rental of offices, garages, and stables for military attaches : Provided further, That not exceed- Fuel and transporta- ing $4,100,000 shall be available immediately for the procurement and tion thereof . transportation of fuel for the service of the fiscal year 1932 : Provided Additional construe further, That no part of the funds herein appropriated shall be avail- tion limitation . able for construction of a permanent nature of an additional building or an extension or addition to an existing building, the cost of which in any case exceeds $20,000 : Provided further, That the monthly Stable rent . rental rate to be paid out of this appro priation for s tabling any animal shall not exceed $15 . That in the expenditure of appropriations in this Act the Secre- s Pro duc ts of Uni ted tary of War shall, unless in his discretion the interest of the Govern- Purchases of, pre. ment will not permit, purchase or contract for, within the limits of scribed. the United States, only articles of the growth, production, or manu- facture of the United States, notwithstanding that such articles of the growth, production, or manufacture of the United States may cost more, if such excess of cost be not unreasonable . SEWERAGE S YST EM, FO RT MON ROE , VIRGINIA For repair and maintenance of wharf and apron of wharf, includ- ing all necessary labor and material therefor, fuel for waiting rooms

water, brooms, and shovels, $20,280 ; for one-third of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $6,760 . For rakes, shovels, and brooms ; repairs to roadway, pavements, macadam and asphalt block ; repairs to street crossings ; repairs to street drains, and labor for cleaning roads, $8,469 ; for two-thirds of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $5,646 . For waste, oil, motor and pump repairs, sewer pipe, cement, brick, stone, supplies, and personal services, $6,690 ; for two-thirds of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $4,460 . Fort M onroe, Va. Wharf, etc . Roads . Sewer . r