Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1439

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1396 Murch. Addition. Funds ava ilabl e . Ante, p.969. Janne y. Addition . Fr om unexpended balance . Ante, p.969. Immediately avail- able . Accounted as one fund. Proviso. Use for unaut horized projects forbidden . Building

contract requirements . Proviso. Rejection of bids . Purchase of sites des- ignated. Foxhall Vil lag e . Bates Road. Douglass-S immons School . Harrison School. Reno . Man or Park . Bancroft . Additional authori- zations. Proviso . Sum for pur chases without regard to as- sessed value, etc . Prepa ratio n of plan s, etc. Exit, etc., require- ments . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Cs. 282 . 1931 . For the constr uction of an addition to th e Murch Schoo l to pro- vide four classrooms and unfinished space for four additional class- rooms, $3 0,000, and in addition ther eto $80,000 o f the unexpend ed balance of t he appropriat ion for " Buildings and grounds, public schools," contained in the District of Columbia A ppropriation A ct for the fiscal year 1931, is made immediately available for this pur- pose and shall continue available during the fiscal year 1932 . Not exceeding $120,000 of the unexpended balance of the appro- priation for "Buildings and grounds, public schools," contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931, is made immediately available and shall continue available during the fiscal year 1932 for the erection of an eight-room addition to the Janney School and the necessary remodeling of the present building . In all, $2,720,000, to be immediately available and to be disbursed and accounted for as " Buildings and grounds, public schools," and for that purpose shall consti tute one fund and remain av ailable until expended : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for or on account of any school building not herein specified . None of the money appropriated by this Act shall be paid or obligated toward the construction of or addition to any building the whole an d entire cons truction of w hich, exclusiv e of heating, lighting, pl umbing, paint ing, and trea tment of groun ds, shall not have been aw arded in one or a single c ontract, separ ate and apart from any other contract, project, or undertaking, to the- lowest responsible bidder complying with all the legal requirements as to a deposit of money or the execution of a bond, or both, for the faith- ful performance of the contract : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as repealing existing law giving the commissioners the right to reject all bids . For the purchase of school building and playground sites, as follows : For the purchase of a site in the vicinity of Foxhall Village ; For the purchase of land to replace the Bates Road site ; For the purchase of additional land for the Douglass-Simmons School ; For the purchase of additional land for the Harrison School ; For the purchase of a site fo r a senior hig h school in t he Reno section ; For the purchase of a site for a senior high school in the Manor Park section ; For the purchase of land for an eight-room addition to t he Ban- croft School ; For the purchase of additional school-building and playground sites ; In all, $490,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That an additional amount of not to exceed $125,000 of the unexpended bal- ance of the appropriation for school building and playground sites, contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931, is hereby made available without limitation as to price based on assessed value for the purchase of such sites . The plans and specifications for all buildings provided for in this Act under appropriations administered by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall be prepared under the supervision of the municipal architect, and those for school buildings after consul- tation with the Board of Education, and shall be approved by the commissioners and shall be constructed in conformity thereto . The school buildings authorized, and appropriated for herein shall be constructed with all doors intended to be used as exits or entrances opening outward, and each of said buildings having an