Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/144

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SE VEN TY-F IRS T C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 92. 1930 .

101 Load lines on American vessels : To enable the Secretary of Com- mer ce to c arry o ut the provisi ons of the Act entitl ed "An Act to establish load lines for American vessels, and for other purposes," approved March 2, 1929 (U . S . C ., Supp . 111, title 46, sees . 85-85g), including personal services in the District of Columbia and else- where, traveling expenses, rentals, purchase of instruments and other equipment, furniture, stationery and office supplies, repairs to equip- ment, books of reference and other necessary publications, documents, plans and specifications, contract stenographic reporting services without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., R. S. sec., 3709, 733 . title 41, sec . 5) and all other incidental expenses not included in the U.S. C.,p.1309. foregoing, fiscal year 1930, $15,175, of which not to exceed $4,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . BUREAU OF LIGHTHOUSES Salaries, Patent Office : For additional amount required for per- sonal services in the office of the Commissioner of Patents, fiscal year 1930, $65,666 .67. BUREAU OF MINES Helium plants : For helium production and conservation, and so Hefu m forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act et c. making appropriations for the Department of Commerce for the fiscal year 1930, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $180,000 . Load lines on Ameri- can vessels . Expenses enforcing use of. Vol. 45, p. 1192. U.S. C., Supp.IV, p. 609. p. Lighthouses Bureau . Repa iring and rebui lding aids to na vigat ion : For rebuild ing, Repairing hurricane re pairing, a nd reestab lishing suc h aids to navigation and struc tures damage s, etc . connected therewith as were damaged or destroyed by the hurricane of Septem ber, 1 929, on the At lantic and Gul f coast s and s torm of October, 1929, on the Great Lakes, $81,000 . Damage claims : To pay claims adjusted and determined by the Collision damage Department of Commerce under the provisions of section 4 of the Act approved June 17, 1910 (U . S . C ., title 33, sec . 721), on account of damages occasioned to private property by collision with vessels of the Lighthouse Service and for which the vessels of the Lighthouse Service were responsible, as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 101, and House Document Numbered 243, Seventy-first Congress, $174 .98 . COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY

Coast and Geodetic Survey. Of fice for ce : Fo r additiona l amount r equired fo r personal services i n the District of C olumbia, fiscal yea r 1930, $12,000 . Office expenses : For additional amount required for office expenses, including the same objects specified in the appropriation for this purp ose for the fiscal year 1930, $9,326 .4 8 . Vol.36,p. 537. U.S. C.,p.1091. Office force, Offic e expe nses . BUREAU OF FISHERIES

Fisheries Bureau . Equipment for power vessel Penguin : For the purchase of fire- „ Equipping preventing, fire-fighting, and life-saving equipment for the power Penguin" v essel Peng uin, tende r for the Pribilof I slands, Al aska, fisc al year 1930, $20,000 . P ATENT 01 VICE

Patent Office. Salaries . Mines Bureau . tender production,